KentFolk News
June 2008
Very good news : The Cajun Barn is now back at The Tudor Barn in Eltham, and have the whole building for their events - bring your own drink now. See the Cajun news section below.
Oh, and there is another date as well for Laura Targett, see below.
But now last night was the Barnaby Rudge gig, and where were you ? - it was a cracker - Laura is now virtuoso, and the set was composed of an intersection of those pieces known by Chris and by Laura, and so extra interesting for it.
I have just uploaded a photo-report :
Musicians can not come to Kent just for one gig, and as I said last month, it is not a question of "Which one do I turn up for ?" - support more than that or the publicans can not put the music on and we will all be the poorer for it. The Cajun gigs last month were also sparsely supported ... I will have to think about what music I try make happen in 2009 .....
If you have a passing interest in the means by which I
generate the KentFolk Calendar and News pages, there is some info in a recent
technical article I wrote
- Paper version is not yet out, but it is available on
the web :
I recently was asked
to write a technical article about a computer language
Thought that you
would like to know that I used your web-site as an example of the web-pages that
I read gig-listings from, using this Apl language - put an excerpt of your
gig-listing page in the article, and included a link to your
The article is :
APLX version 4 – from the viewpoint
of an experimental
Dr Beau Webber, Lab-Tools
Keep up the good
work, hope to get to hear you again soon,
Beau Webber
Monkey Puzzle Concerts
Laura Targett is a fiddler originally from Kent but now mainly found on the Australian fiddle circuit.
I am afraid that the Monkey Puzzle concert in Littlebourne Thatched Barn for the Monday 26th of May of the Spring Bank Holiday is off - they are no longer all available on this date.
However there will be pub gigs, and late-breaking news, there will be a concert at the Steiner School with Greg Sheehan, Tim Edey and Brendan Powers :
Monday 16th June 2008 : Laura Targett & Chris Taylor - Barnaby Rudge, 52 Albion Street, Broadstairs,
CT10 1NE
Wednesday 18th June 2008 : Laura Targett and Monkey Puzzle -
The Man of Kent Ale House, 6-8 John St., Rochester,
ME1 1YN .
Saturday 21st June 2008 : Laura Targett and Monkey Puzzle -
The Wrotham Arms, 9 Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs,
CT10 1QQ .
Wednesday 25th June 2008 : Laura Targett, Greg Sheehan (percussion), multi-instrumentalist Tim Edey and Brendan Powers (harmonica) -
Steiner School, Canterbury,
CT4 5RU .
I will tell you if I hear of further dates to be anounced later.
Monkey Puzzle :
Laura Targett : - fiddle, whistle.
Lucy Randall : - bouzouki, whistle, bodhran, cajon.
Pete Gazey : - a guitarist of great delicacy and subtlety.
Their Folk, Celtic, Cajun, Jazz, and Gypsy rhythms have a strong Kentish following.
See www.KentFolk/KF_gigs/ .
Lots of gig-reports on KentFolk for May 2008, go see :
Click on the photos / links to go the the gig_reports with lots more photos.
There is a short photo-report from some of the things I saw at Sweeeps 2008 :
Sweeps Festival, Rochester, 2008.

Groanbox Boys, Sweeps Festival, Rochester, 2008.
And the Groanbox Boys have some video of both Sweeps and other Kentish gigs at :
(The video of them on the 3rd was taken by myself !)
Other reports :
Folk in the Barn, 2008.

Debs built this excellent trio for a one-off gig - thanks !.
Simple Simons, 2008.

The Annual Traditional Music Session in Simple Simons for Hope College.
Deal Friday Folk Club, 2008.

Two Kentish Master Musicians go on the road again.
Littlebourne Barn, 2008.

Yves Langlois on fiddle, and Chris Taylor on guitar, bouzouki, harmonica and accordion.
- Some of the best Cajun music going.
Another excellent Cajun dance in the Littlebourne Thatched Barn.
Oh and the recording of Yves and Chris has had a first edit, so may be available in a while ....
St. Mary's Church, Sandwich, 2008.

The Dealers on stage in St. Mary's, Sandwich.
- A very remarkable concert.
Open Harp Surgery at The Barnaby Rudge, Broadstairs, 2008.

Nigel and Russell relaxing after the concert with The Dealers.
Wrotham Arms, Broadstairs, 2008.

Two Kentish Master Musicians go on the road again.
And Folk & Roots have now accepted a review about Jim Leverton & Geoffrey Richardson :
Goverment Bill will ban Sword Dancing - Please sign new Petition
The Government is in the process of introducing the 'Violent Crimes Reduction Bill' whereby the sale and use of items such as swords will be prohibited unless for historical re-enactment or sporting activities.
(This actually mainly applies to curved swords - but why should dancers stop using them ?)
Currently, the government does not recognize dance as either a historical re-enactment or a sporting activity and therefore dancers are not included within the exemption for the purchase & use of swords with regards to the Violent Crimes Reduction Bill (VCR Bill).
Traditional folklore dances in England since as far back as 1700s have been known to use props such as sticks and swords as part of their dances. These dances are forms of art that are of great historical & cultural relevance. Banning the purchase of and, more importantly, the use of these swords may cause such dancing to die out.
It is crucial that sword dances are preserved & allowed to continue.
There is a petition which is up on the home office website.
Please show your support and sign the petition to get dance included so that we can continue to preserve and perform the beautiful art of sword dance.
Whether you are a dancer or not, your support is needed, and fast the closing date is 25th June 2008
More signatures are desperately needed; here is the link:
We the undersigned propose that dance be included as historical re-enactment or sporting activity within the exemption for the purchase & use of swords. HEALTH/FITNESS/SPORT: Dance promotes a healthy lifestyle & is often taught as a form of aerobic sport exercise. Other classes focus on technique & performance, at a professional level a good knowledge of fitness & physiology is required. Belly dancers & many other types of traditional folklore dancers learn to use various props, such as sticks & swords which requires a great deal of skill, takes years to perfect & requires absolute stability of the head & neck, & flexibility & power. Thus, Types of dance that use swords as props, are 'an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess' which is the definition of sport, therefore, should be included within the Sporting Activity exemption. HISTORICAL PRESERVATION: Swords have been used in many traditional folklore dances in England since as far back as 1700s. These dances are forms of art that are of great historical & cultural relevance, Banning the use of these swords will inevitably cause them to die out. It is crucial that they are preserved & allowed to continue.
Please sign-up - Beau
New Players needed for Traditional Music sessions
There are many traditional sessions, open stages and sing-arounds in Kent these days, with the traditional sessions covering styles from English to Celtic to French/Breton/Eastern European to Renaissance ....
However while some of the young people's open stages are doing well, there is a worry that there are a lack of new people, particularly young people, particularly fiddlers, at the traditional sessions.
Please see the plea for new players, in the Sessions section below :
......| A plea for new players at traditional sessions - particularly younger players.txt
If you are interested in coming along, but would like to practice some tunes first, I have put, in the Sessions news section, a pointer to finding out
what tunes are played at the different sessions:
......| What tunes do they play at the different sessions.txt
I have also put there info on gig-reports, from the sessions, with photos and down-loadable .mp3 music.
Lab-Tool: Build-a-Page : Build an Html Web Page with photos.
The first of the KentFolk text- and web-tools offered for general use, in conjunction with Lab-Tools :
For more info., see :
Selling individual MP3 tracks, and complete Digital Albums, over the web :
For some time KentFolk has been using PayPal to sell local musician's CDs.
A new technology that I have wanted for some time, is now in place: - KentFolk can now sell individual MP3 tracks, either directly from the KentFolk web pages, with payment by CC or PayPal, or via the highly respected eFolkMusic, in the States.
If you are a musician, group or band that would like to sell your tracks over the web, and of course this is particularly good for both CDs that have all sold out, as well as new tracks that are not yet on a CD, then please email me :
I am limited in my time available to "turn the handle" on these, and it is very time-consuming, but will do what I can. As a preliminary offering, the 2003 Deal LifeBoat House shanty recording were the first available on the web - both in the form of a few individual tracks, and the complete recording - all net profit to the NLRI, after the CC/PayPal deductions.
MP3 music currently available on KentFolk, at :
"The LifeBoat Men come ...."
13 sea shanties recorded by KentFolk during the 2003 Deal Maritime Festival, at a live concert by Shanty Crew, Bosun's Call and the Deal Hoodeners, in the LifeBoat House, Deal on the 7th of September, 2003. - all net money to the RNLI!
MP3 music currently available on eFolkMusic, in the "KentFolk stable",
at :
"The LifeBoat Men come ...."
13 sea shanties recorded by KentFolk during the 2003 Deal Maritime Festival, at a live concert by Shanty Crew, Bosun's Call and the Deal Hoodeners, in the LifeBoat House, Deal on the 7th of September, 2003. - all net money to the RNLI!
"Reasons to Rhyme"
Two tracks from members of the Deal Folk Club : CD: "Reasons to Rhyme" - "He Rode the Waves" and "Mother Nature",
with Sue Watson singing and Stuart Maclean on the guitar.
"The Rattlaz : Songs of Peace & Protest"
England is still experiencing hard times and the crow is still well and truly fixed to the cradle. Deportees are still with us in the form of migrant workers ... The voice in all these songs is the voice of compassion and understanding, the voice of hope and determination. We ignore this voice at our peril.
Originally produced as a Concert for the Folkestone Literary Festival, 2006. Chris Tophill : Accordion / Piano / Mandolin / Vocals. Kevin Richards : Djembe / Percussion / Guitar / Vocals. Jack Pound : 6 & 12 String Guitars / Banjo / Harmoonica / Vocals.
"Relig Oran : Tracks From The Dark Side"
These three lads - all deeply experienced in Traditional Celtic and European music - are creating a genre of their own - I am using the term "Euro-Celt" to describe the music they are writing and playing. It looks back to our roots when the Celts were pan-Europe, and makes a strong statement for the present when the Tribes of Europe are re-finding what they have in common.
Gordon Jackson - Andy Renshaw - Martin Sutcliffe
"Martin Long : The Climbing Boy"
"Martin Young : Botany Bay"
Martin is a lad who has been around on the Faversham Folk scene for longer than I have known it, variously as Martin Long, and Martin Young.
Martin is I feel very much in the old troubadour mold, in that the music can not let him rest, it very much defines who he is.
The songs he sings, sometimes intensely personal, sometimes with local Kentish references, are mostly self-penned, usually both the tunes and the lyrics.
The Climbing Boy: Title Track: Often small boys were taken in by Chimney sweeps and in return for a home were forced to climb chimneys and scour them out as they ascended. Rochester has an annual Sweeps Festival.
Botany Bay: Title Track: is a double reference - to both the Botany Bay in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia - it was the site of a landing by James Cook - and also to the Botany Bay near Broadstairs in Kent - see cover photograph.
"Happy Trails : White Sands"
Choice Americana in harmony from a group of musicians who have been giving Kent top quality music for many years - Blues, Cajun, Appalachian, Country and now Americana from the South.
13 songs where this Kentish band - Happy Trails - take an honest and affectionate view into what they have seen and heard on some of their many visits to the Southern States.
The KentFolk page on eFolkMusic is at :
Then go to the MP3 and Digital Album links.
Multi-level directories of News :
Do keep sending me news and items for both the calendar and this news section -
Please see the info at the bottom of the news pages for guidance as to
good formats to send me news items for these pages,
and for event listings for the calendars.
cheers, Beau.
......| Folk and Roots Wegottickets.txt
CDs, MP3 music, Video, Radio, Lyrics + Verse
......| Adrian O - Midsummer evening.txt
......| Guide Cats for the Blind - good sales !.txt
......| Kentish Hops - Book and CD.htm
......| Kentish musician's MP3 Tracks and Digital Albums for sale at eFolkMusic.html
......| Simon Evans - BBC Radio Kent - listen at any time.html
......| Worlds of Trad June Upload - June, July 2008.htm
......| Broadstairs Folk Week
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-02-11_02 (2)ANNOUNCEMENTS from our Festival members (KENT).htm
......| Canterbury Festival
......| Deal Festival of Music and the Arts
......| Deal Maritime Festival
......| ......| Deal LifeBoat House shanty singing - 2003 - MP3 downloads available.txt
......| Faversham Hop Festival
......| KentFolk Fiddlers Various Festival
......| Other Festivals
......| ......| 2008-05-17 - Fiddle Festival of Wales - May Updates.txt
......| ......| 2008-05-29_Coastline Bluegrass - 6 to 8 June 2008.htm
......| ......| Egerton Music Festival 4th to 13th July 2008.htm
......| ......| Fiddle Festival of Wales - Announcement - What's happening!.txt
......| ......| Fiddle Festival of Wales - Aug 2008.txt
......| ......| Maidstone jazz festival changes.htm
......| ......| Off the tracks - 29th to 31st Aug 2008.htm
......| ......| Ruskin House Music Festival Saturday 5th July 2008.htm
......| ......| SCoFFnews Southsea Fest Lineup August 2008.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-10_02 ANNOUNCE Sevenoaks Summer Festival..htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-19_01 Sidmouth FolkWeek - Call Out for Stewards.htm
......| ......| Sevenoak Summer Festival.htm
......| Rochester Sweeps Festival
......| ......| Re thank you.htm
......| ......| Sweeps 2008 - photo-report.txt
......| ......| Sweeps 2008 - some highlights.htm
......| ......| thank you from the Groanbox Boys.htm
......| Tenterden Festival
......| ......| A diversity of guests at Tenterden Folk Festival.htm
......| ......| Advert price list - March 08.pdf
......| ......| Advertising in Tenterden Folk Festival 2008 programme.htm
......| ......| Arrangements for Tenterden Folk Festival 2008 are coming on a pace..htm
......| ......| Birds in Folk Song.htm
......| ......| It is not to late to advertise in our programme.htm
......| ......| Tenterden Folk Festival 2008 - Welcome Barn Dance with The Committee Band.htm
......| Wye Fayre
Folk Clubs
......| Deal Friday Folk Club
......| ......| May June July Deal FC.txt
......| Egerton Folk Club.htm
......| Faversham Folk Club
......| ......| Faversham Folk Club listings April - June.txt
......| ......| Faversham Folk listing July - September 2008.txt
......| Folk at The Drum - GUESTS 2008.htm
......| Fox and Hounds Folk Club.htm
......| Greetings and Fordwich Folk Club dates March to June 2008.htm
......| Island Folk club - Bradstow Mill - Broadstairs.txt
......| Monthly_Folk-Club_list.html
......| New club in Broadstairs.htm
......| New Folk club - Bradstow Mill - Broadstairs.txt
......| Rosa's at Friday Folk Orpington - 27th June 2008.htm
......| Tenterden Folk Club at The Woolpack.htm
......| Tonbridge Folk Club (Nelllie's).txt
......| Walthamstow Folk Club
......| ......| 2008-05-28 - Walthamstow Folk - Reminder.htm
Jobs, Auditions, Funding + Licencing
......| Public Entertainment Licensing Act (2003) - prior news items.txt
......| SEFAN 2008-05-22_02 GLEANING from ARTSJobs.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-03_03 CALL OUT musicsong needed for 19th July wedding..htm
......| sefan 2008-06-05_02 GLEANINGS.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-06_04. The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust fellowships 2 x GLEANINGS from VAE.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-08_02 (2) ACEjobs GLEANINGS.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-11_02 New Part-Funded Course for Artists in Education Global Education through the Performing Arts.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-16_02 GLEANINGS from ACE and VAE.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-17_02 GLEANINGS from ARTSjobs.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-19_02 GLEANINGS from ACE and DSC.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-24_03 GLEANINGS from ACE and Mrs Casey Music.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-26_02 CALL OUT Wanted Drum Maker..htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-27_02 CALL OUT musical experiment at art exhibition in Lewes.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-27_03 GLEANINGS from ACE Trevor Mason (Youth Music London).htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-30_03 GLEANINGS from ACE and VAE.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-0606_01 CALL OUT - this Satuday Essex.htm
......| SEFN 2008-06-26_03 GLEANINGS from ACE.htm
......| Walk Explore event Canterbury 14 June Dane John Gardens.htm
Music + Dance Genres
......| BlueGrass
......| ......| 2008-05-29_Coastline Bluegrass - 6 to 8 June 2008.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-12 - bluegrass - special - 17th June.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-13 - Bluegrass Old-Time - June 2008.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-20 - Bluegrass + Old-time Music.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-26 - BluegrassOld-Time Music - June + July 2008.htm
......| Blues
......| ......| Katie Bradley - Gigs - April to Nov 2008.htm
......| Cajun
......| ......| 2008-05-21 - Cajun + Zydeco coming up!.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-04 - Cajunbarn comes home.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-13 - Jumbo Gumbo - Saturday 14th June 2008.htm
......| ......| Bandyzydeco - Dates III - May to August.htm
......| ......| Cajun Dance Workshops 2008 - Whitstable.html
......| ......| Cajun Dances.html
......| ......| Cajun website and email list.html
......| ......| Cajunbarn at The Tudor Barn - June to December 2008.htm
......| ......| Jumbo Gumbo Gigs - June, July, August 2008.txt
......| ......| Photo-report on Dindon Sauvage Spring Cajun Dance.html
......| Celtic
......| ......| Cajun Barn back in Eltham!!!.htm
......| ......| Camine gigs coming up - April to August.htm
......| Dance, Barn Dances
......| ......| Barndance - Dover - 6th June 2008.htm
......| ......| Dance School in Maidstone.htm
......| ......| EFDSS English Dance and Song Available 1 March.htm
......| ......| EFDSS nominations June 2008.htm
......| ......| Free Taster Dance Classes - Maidstone.htm
......| ......| Kentish Hops - Book and CD - Dances.htm
......| ......| Saturday Evening Ceilidh featuring Liam Robinson with Stömp.htm
......| ......| SCoFFnews Dancers threat.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-04-23_03 BIG NATIONAL CEILIDH 18 October 2008.htm
......| Folk
......| ......| Adrian O - Midsummer evening.txt
......| ......| Broadstairs Folk - in the Barnaby Rudge on Mondays.htm
......| ......| Canterbury Acoustic.txt
......| ......| CRABBLE FOLK SUPPPERS - to Dec. 2008.htm
......| ......| Don Thompson at the Pilot Maidstone 30 June 2008.htm
......| ......| Hello from THE DEALERS.txt
......| ......| Hot Rats - to Aug 2008.html
......| ......| John Ward and Mario Gigs - to June.htm
......| ......| not Monkey Puzzle BUT....htm
......| ......| PigNews from Pigs Ear Dec 2007 to June 2008.htm
......| ......| Raglan Road Gig List.mht
......| ......| Raglan Road.htm
......| ......| Ratalaz - eFolkMusic.txt
......| ......| rattlers + rattlaz gig dates to June 2008.htm
......| ......| Ron Trueman-Border News and Gigs - June 2008.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-16_01 (2) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-26_01 ANNOUNCE 2 items from EFDSS.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-30_02 Fwd Institute of Ideas Who gives a folk.htm
......| ......| SEFAN_2007-05-16_02 Folkopedia @ EFDSS.htm
......| ......| TCHY Gig - Sunday 29th 2008 .htm
......| ......| Tim Edey & Jon Sanders 17th & 18th July 2008.htm
......| Gypsy + Romany
......| ......| 2008-06-18 - Balkan music Summer Specials.htm
......| ......| Gypsy music Collection book busking+signing.htm
......| ......| London Gypsy Orchestra Musicians.htm
......| ......| Romany music.html
......| Jazz
......| ......| Groovechasers upcoming Jazz gigs - June, July.htm
......| ......| Hot Club Jazz at St Julians Sevenoaks.htm
......| ......| Maidstone jazz festival changes.htm
......| ......| Open Mic Jazz Singers Night.htm
......| Les Batons, European + EuroCelt
......| ......| Charity French Soiree of Music and Dance - 7th June 2008.htm
......| ......| Follia Concert details - 14th June 2008.txt
......| ......| Follia! Concert 14th June 2008.txt
......| ......| FW Follia Concert the Arden Theatre in Faversham 14th of june 2008.txt
......| ......| Les Batons June 15th gathering - CANCELLED.htm
......| ......| On Bouge.htm
......| ......| relig oran - June 2008.txt
......| ......| Relig Oran mp3 downloads from eFolkMusic.txt
......| ......| Relig Oran update.txt
......| ......| Reminder - June les Batons cancelled.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-11_03 ANNOUNCE Upcoming European dance and music gigs.htm
......| ......| Traditional European Dance and music workshops - 6th September .htm
......| Maritime
......| ......| Deal LifeBoat House shanty singing - 2003 - MP3 downloads from KentFolk and eFolkMusic.txt
......| ......| The maritime tradition.htm
......| Morris + Mumming
......| Roots + World
......| ......| Slip N Slide Records Citty - She Wanna Rock.htm
Musicians + Links
......| Geoff Easeman - musician entry on kent folk web site.txt
......| Goosebumps Band.htm
......| Phil Thorne -acoustic country blues .htm
......| Raglan Road.htm
......| Rich Hall - bass guitar.txt
Open Stage
......| CJ's open mic nights.txt
......| Jack Pound's Open Stage.txt
......| Monthly Open Stage list.txt
......| Open House Acoustic Music The Pilot Maidstone - June 2008.htm
......| Open Mic Nights - Chislehurst - hosted by the Missouri Gutts.htm
......| Open Stage - Phil for cj.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-04-02_02. Open Mike at The Pig Butcher (formanlly The Fireman's).htm
......| efolkMusic
......| ......| efolkMusic News June 08.htm
......| ......| efolkmusic News May 08.htm
......| ......| efolkMusic Special Offer.htm
......| ......| efolkMusic-Amazon Affiliation.htm
......| ......| Free DigiSampler Vol 3.htm
......| FAE
......| Mrs Casey Music
......| ......| Lanterns to Fandango.htm
......| ......| Mrs Casey Music News.htm
......| Music for Change
......| NetRhythms
......| ......| 2008-05-23 - NetRhythms Music! Music! Music!.htm
......| ......| 2008-05-24 - NetRhythms LIVE Listings.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-10 - NetRhythms the Most Noble Instrument.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-25 - NetRhythms - check here for the good stuff.htm
......| SCoFF
......| ......| SCoFFnews Barn Dance 27th June.htm
......| ......| SCoFFnews Dancers threat.htm
......| ......| SCoFFnews Ian Ferguson.htm
......| ......| SCoFFnews Musician's Union Protest @ Mayflower Theatre Southampton 1st July 2008.htm
......| SEFAN
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-02_03 (3) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-05_01 (4) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-12_02 Making Music membership trial Offer.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-17_01 (3) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-18_03 (4) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-20_01 (2) ANOUNCE.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 206-06-09_01.(3) ANNOUNCE.htm
......| Smithsonian
......| Americas
......| ......| 2008-05-24 - Music News Nashville Newsletter.htm
......| ......| 2008-05-27 - Music News Nashville May 27 (new info added).htm
......| ......| 2008-06-03 - Invite To Attend PBS Taping With Music Superstars In Nashville.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-17 - Saying So Long From Music News Nashville.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-22 - Three Days in America N 3.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-23 - Hot New VIC DA BARON Single ft E-40 TURF TALK.htm
......| ......| PRESS RELEASE - Mark Aaron James THE HALO present 'IN THE ROUND'.htm
......| Hampshire
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-18_01 Choirfest 2008! - Last chance for cheaper tickets....htm
......| Ireland
......| ......| 2008-05-25 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-02 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-09 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-16 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-23 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-30 - JMI Gig Guide Bulletin.htm
......| ......| Frank Harte Festival 2008 Programme.mht
......| ......| Frank Harte Festival 2008.htm
......| Kent
......| ......| Hevy - Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone - 8th August 2008.mht
......| ......| News and Gigs Watson and News- 2008-07-06 - Kent E Sussex Gig Guide.htm
......| ......| News and Gigs Watson and News 2008-07-13 to 2nd August - Kent E Sussex Gig Guide.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-03_02 (2) ANNOUNCE (Kent).htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-06_02 (2)ANNOUNCE. Kent Sussex.htm
......| ......| Some dates - June +July 2008.txt
......| ......| Tony Staveley - a special service -15th June 2008.htm
......| ......| Watson - 2008-06-15 - Kent E Sussex Gig Guide.htm
......| ......| Watson - 2008-06-28 - Kent E Sussex Gig Guide.htm
......| ......| Watson - 2008-06-29 - Kent E Sussex Gig Guide.htm
......| London
......| ......| 2008-03-28 - MUSICAL TRADITIONS CLUB SPRING SUMMER 2008.htm
......| ......| 2008-05-19 - MUSICAL TRADITIONS CLUB SUMMER 2008.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-18 - Balkan music Summer Specials.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-24 - MUSICAL TRADITIONS CLUB SUMMER 2008.htm
......| ......| 5 Le QuecumBar Prestige Performance Concerts special events and gig list June July August Sep.htm
......| ......| Cellar Upstairs - January to June 2008.htm
......| ......| Cellar Upstairs club programme change - May to June 2008.htm
......| ......| EFDSS Announces Saturday Workshop Series.htm
......| ......| London Gypsy Orchestra Musicians.htm
......| ......| MMP Newsletter June '08.htm
......| ......| Musical Traditions Club Keith Summers Fest. Booking Form.htm
......| ......| On Bouge.htm
......| ......| ZiG live in West London - May 2008.htm
......| Scotland
......| ......| presentazione dei concerti in milanese.htm
......| Suffolk
......| ......| John and Mario @ The Cut June 6th.htm
......| Surrey
......| ......| SCoFFnews Two great musicians at the Electric Theatre on 27th June and 4th July.htm
......| Sussex
......| ......| 2008-05-22 - Concerts - Hailsham Pavilion.htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-01 (Reminder).htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-05.htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-12 (What's on in June).htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-17 - ELEANOR McEVOY.htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-22.htm
......| ......| Acoustic Sussex Newsletter 2008-06-28 reminder.htm
......| ......| SEFA 2008-06-30_01 ANNOUNCE - 4 July Jez Lowe - Eclipse Folk and Blues Club Hove.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-05-25_03 ANNOUNCE Brighton Early Music Festival TradFolk meets Early.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-05-29_01 ANNOUNCE Lewes Arms folk club June + some other regular stuff in Sussex.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-05-29_03 More Dwyle flunking musicians wanted Sunday 8th. June Lewes Arms.htm
......| ......| SEFAN 2008-06-12_03 (2)ANNOUNCE from Lewes Arms FC.htm
......| ......| SHOW OF HANDS.htm
......| ......| Spyboy - Final two shows added to autumn programme.htm
......| UK National
......| World
......| A plea for new players at traditional sessions - particularly younger players.html
......| Broadstairs woodshed session - Wrotham Arms - 2007-11-23.htm
......| Celtic
......| ......| Celtic Session has moved venue - Jan 2008 update.txt
......| English
......| ......| Doddington Music Session.htm
......| ......| SEFAN_2007-11-27_02.ANOUNCE. Lewes Favourites sessions 2008 supplement books.htm
......| European
......| ......| French Session has moved venue.htm
......| Jazz
......| ......| Hot Club Jazz - session - at St Julians Sevenoaks.htm
......| Mixed
......| ......| 2008-06-15 - REMINDER Tilmanstone Barfreston.htm
......| ......| King Head Hythe session.txt
......| ......| Woodshed session - Tune + song list .htm
......| Monthly Session list.html
......| What tunes do they play at the different sessions.txt
......| Monthly Sing-Around list.txt
......| SEFAN 2008-05-23_02 GLEANINGS from VAE and ARTSnews.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-18_01 Choirfest 2008! - Last chance for cheaper tickets....htm
......| Tenterden Folk Club at The Woolpack.htm
Tours + Newsletters
......| Bandyzydeco - Dates III - May to August.htm
......| Legacy News.txt
......| SEFAN 2008-01-30_02 Monkey Puzzle - looking for gigs May to July.htm
......| Show of Hands mailout - June 2008.txt
......| The Mighty King Of Love album tour August 2008.htm
......| Astor Theatre
......| Barge
......| ......| Antfest promo video shoot Wed. 18th June.txt
......| ......| Monthly Gig List (July 2008).txt
......| ......| Monthly Gig List (June 2008).txt
......| Barnaby Rudge - Broadstairs
......| ......| Barnaby Rudge - to Sept 2008.txt
......| Beer Cart Arms
......| Bottleneck Blues
......| ......| 2008-05-20 - Bottleneck Blues Club.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-03 - Bottleneck Blues Club.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-22 - Bottleneck Blues Club.htm
......| Caseys
......| ......| Casey's giglistings - June + July 2008.htm
......| Cullins Yard
......| Dove at Dargate
......| Folk in the Barn
......| ......| 2008-06-07 - FiTB - Where did May go.txt
......| ......| FitB - Mr Simpson etc.txt
......| ......| FiTB - Spires Beams - October 2008.txt
......| ......| Folk in the Barn - Contacts for tickets.txt
......| ......| SCoFFnews Martin Simpson with Andy Cutting at Canterbury Cathedral ISC - 15th June 2008.htm
......| Gulbenkian
......| ......| 2008-06-14 - American Jazz Singers Night - Gulbenkian - 4th July 2008 .htm
......| ......| 2008-06-19 - Whippersnapper - Gulbenkian - 19th June.htm
......| ......| 2008-06-21 - Music Festival Gulbenkian REGener8 - Sat. 21st June 2008.htm
......| ......| Albert Nyathi Imbongi - Gulbenkian - Fri 20th June 2008.htm
......| ......| Canterbury Acoustic.txt
......| ......| King Size Slim - Gulbenkian - 17th June 2008.htm
......| Hook and Hatchet - Hucking
......| ......| Hook and Hatchet Update.htm
......| ......| More from the Hook and Hatchet - monthly Cajun night.htm
......| HorseBridge - Whitstable
......| Man of Kent Alehouse - Rochester
......| ......| Man of Kent Alehouse, Rochester - to Sept 2008.txt
......| New Venues
......| Orange Street
......| ......| TV SMITH2008-06-27_ GIG CANTERBURY 27TH JUNE 2008-PRESS RELEASE.htm
......| Pizza Express
......| Soul Cafe Maistone
......| Three Mariners at Oare
......| Trinity Theatre
......| Wrotham Arms - Broadstairs
......| Yew Tree
Web info
......| David Hooper
......| Google
......| ......| Google Advertising.html
......| ......| Google Calendars.html
......| Group and Musician web-sites
......| KentFolk How-Tos
......| ......| Having images, photos, posters and flyers in emails for the web.htm
......| ......| How to send event items for the KentFolk Calendars.html
......| ......| How to send news items for the KentFolk News pages.html
......| SEFAN_2007-11-30_02. 'The Kent Gathering of Traditional Music' now has a website.htm
......| EFDSS Announces Saturday Workshop Series.htm
......| Fiddle Festival of Wales - Aug 2008.txt
......| Fiddle Workshops - Wales.pdf
......| Fiddle Workshops in Wales.txt
......| Improvisation Workshop Flyer - May + June 2008.mht
......| Improvisation Workshops - Tuesdays in Chatham - May + June 2008.txt
......| Medway - Improvisation Workshop Flyer.mht
......| Music Workshops in Medway.txt
......| SEFAN 2008-06-18_02 Frank McLaughlin guitar w'shop music Lewes Arms Sat 19 July.htm
......| SEFAN 2008-06-27_04 ANNOUNCE 2 x items from Lewes Arms.htm
......| Tommy Peoples in 2009.htm
......| Traditional European Dance and music workshops - 6th September .htm