![]() "Fiddling Around the World poster (1.1MB). |
Welcome to a world of fiddles. A world bursting with celtic fiddles, American bluegrass, old-time and western swing fiddles, mariachi fiddles, klezmer fiddles, gypsy fiddles, jazz fiddles. Ancient fiddles from China and Mexico, Hardanger fiddles from Norway, a double-necked electric monster from India. A world teeming with fiddle players famous, infamous and obscure. Street fiddlers ... |
Fiddle virtuoso Chris Haigh is deeply knowledgeable about fiddle styles from all round the world : on his web-site http://www.fiddlingaround.co.uk/ he lists : Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Klezmer, Mid East and The Med, India, China, Mexico, Cajun, Old Time, Bluegrass, Western Swing, and Jazz.
He will be giving an afternoon talk about these styles of playing, and their ornamentation and cultural background, demonstrate some with his fiddle, as well as demonstrating some of the ethnic fiddles he has brought back. He will also be showing images and sound clips of a number of these styles that he has accumulated from his travels around the world.
Tickets: £6, concessions £5.
From Festival Box Office 01227 378188
or from Beau :
Tel: 01227 721 736 Mob: 07875 170 593
Venue: Kingston Barn, The Street, Kingston, Nr. Canterbury, Kent.
Fiddle virtuoso Chris Haigh is deeply knowledgeable about fiddle styles from all round the world : see his web-site http://www.fiddlingaround.co.uk/ He and accordionist Alan Hann will be giving an evening concert that will cover British, East European, Scandinavian and American fiddle styles.
Tickets: £8, concession £6.
From Festival Box Office 01227 378188
or fron Beau Tel: 01227 721 736 Mob: 07875 170 593
Venue: Kingston Barn, The Street, Kingston, Nr. Canterbury, Kent.
The events are both in the pleasant Kingston Barn :
Kingston Barn, The Street, Kingston, Nr. Canterbury, Kent.
Kingston is just off the A2 near Canterbury, between Bridge and Barham;
follow the above link for a map.
Buy your Tickets over the Web
Print this page and your email receipt as your entry ticket.
[Web booking now closed]
Or buy tbem from the Festival Box Office 01227 378188
Directions :
Buy the Book !
Fiddling Around the World is now available as a 84-page book.
It is available for £12.99 from Spartan Press
(Catologue no SP600):
beau webber - 2005_7_20
Copyrights : Shiva-the-Fiddler photo, FAtW text, FAtW Logo : Chris Haigh, http://www.fiddlingaround.co.uk/; CantFest Logo : Canterbury Festival, http://www.canterburyfestival.co.uk/; Graphic Design, Shiva-the-Fiddler poster, Kent-Folk Logo : Beau Webber, http://www.kentfolk.com/ 2005.