London Fiddle Convention 132005-02-27 |
The session in the bar was in full-swing, with up to 12 fiddlers playing at the same time - joined very capably by young Tom Moore.
The evening concert was very well supported (though there was room for more), and was a impressive display of a range of styles by a number of top names, who gave their time free to support this event.
Here is a photo-report of the evening. I have included a few very short video-clips, just taken with an ordinary digital camera - very small picture size, or the files become far too large for the web. Their sound quality is awful, but I believe that the quality of the fiddling comes through, and justifies these video-clips being on the web.
Tom Moore, Jacob Wills and Freddie Smith are three young lads we will see much more of; it was a joy to see Freddie just relax into some excellently skilled jazz-fiddle.
I knew I had heard Chris Haigh's fiddle before - he is also with Klezmania, who gave an impressive display in the Festival Club, at Canterbury Festival 2003. He also plays with accordionist extraordinaire Serguei Pachnine (who Doug Hudson has brought to Kent on a number of occasions), as part of the "The Kremlinaires". Chris has a style I could listen to much more of.
Ever wondered what Grappelli would sound like live on a fiddle right in front oy you ? Tim Cliphuis is your man, he has been working with Grappelli's double bass player, and they have a CD - fascinating.
Pete Cooper's fiddle tune "August", written in anticipation of a long Summer's separation from a friend, is the saddest tune I have met : it is on "Turning Point" , Pete Cooper (fiddle) & Richard Bolton (cello); (Big Chain, 2001).
I could continue. All I will say, is, if you have any liking of fiddle music, do not miss next year. So, much thanks to Bob Winquist, for both some excellent fiddling and for making it all happen.
KIF 4637-40 Fiddle-Session
KIF 4647 Opening-set
KIF 4650 Tom-Moore .AVI 1.5MB video clip
KIF 4652 Grundela-Gruen Gypsy-music
KIF 4653 Grundela-Gruen .AVI 1.1MB video clip
KIF 4656 Karen-Ryan London-Lasses
KIF 4657 Jacob-Wills
KIF 4659 Pete-Cooper Richard-Bolton
KIF 4665 Freddie-Smith
KIF 4668 Chris-Haigh Pete-Cooter Bob-Winquist .AVI 3MB video clip
KIF 4670 Joe-Townsend Kate-Hands
KIF 4669 Joe-Townsend Kate-Hands .AVI 1.7MB video clip
KIF 4672 Chris-Haigh
KIF 4673 Bob-Winquist
KIF 4674 Chris-Haigh Tim-Kliphuis
KIF 4676 Tim-Cliphuis
KIF 4678 Chris-Haigh Joe-Townsend Tim-Cliphuis
KIF 4684 Finale