KentFolk NewsJanuary 2006 |
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From: "Kent Band"
Subject: Funding for talented young musicians
The charity AWARDS FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS helped 120 young people last year.
The charity is looking for more talent to support in 2006. Individual awards are
for under 18s and range up to £2000 each.
Musically talented young people can apply to the charity for help with buying an
instrument, paying their music tuition fees or attending music courses.
Application forms are available from
and the deadline for
getting them in is 31 January 2006. Awards will be made in April 2006.
It is notoriously difficult to define talent and, in the absence of another
method at present, the eligibility criteria is "distinction in last music
examination". Parents are also required to give evidence of need for financial
For more details contact:
Bridget Sime
Awards for Young Musicians
Tel: 01268 571887
From: "Folk Spots"
Subject: Kent goes to Washington
Hi all,
Today I attended the Seminar called by KCC and the Smithsonian to find out more about their plans for 2007. It looks certain that the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in 2007 in Washington DC will include a strong contingent of businesses and arts from Kent. KCC are committed to putting in $400,000 and the Smithsonian will put up over $1,500,000. There will also be other sponsorship and commitments. This funding is for the whole festival which will include businesses and arts from several other countries, US States, Wales, Ireland, etc. not just Kent. The idea from KCC's point of view is to promote Kent in economic and tourism terms through what is effectively a giant expo style event and an arts festival rolled into one. The Festival has been running successfully for over 30 years or there about. It will include all forms of performing arts, dance, music, etc. not just folk so let us hope with the Smithsonian influence folk gets a good look in. It looks very exiting so I have registered an interest and will keep you informed when I hear more.
Check out the Smithsonian website at
Alan has offered to coordinate the Kentish Folk response to this initiative.
Hopefully I will have more time to extend the number of Event Tables that can be updated this way.
Please follow this link if you are thinking of puting your gig lists on
the web, or plan to send gig information to KentFolk.
"Fiddlers Various", with 7 top quality/virtuoso fiddlers and all British uillean pipe champion, in the excellent Littlebourne Thatched Barn, plus two pub gigs over a long weekend:
went even better than I hoped - gigabytes of recorded sound,
4 hours of video - I hope to get the photo report up soon,
just also a very important time for my research at the moment
so that has to take precedence.
So now Adrian and Sue are back - congratulations on a successful and wonderful trip - and thanks for taking us along by e-mail - now we just wait for the photos ...
On the 29th September Adrian did a very well attended evening of Stories, Poems and Songs in the Alma in Deal.
Adrian writes :
From: Adrian O
Subject: Another Performance
The Date Of The Big Slide Show ( Called
Passages ) From Our Big Trip
Is Sat 21 Jan 06 At The Landmark Centre
Deal 7.45 Pm
Images - Poems - Music - with
Special Guest
Katie Bradley..... Who Will Sing Over
Selected Passages
Further Info To Follow In The Next Week Or So...... It Will Be
A Ticket Only Will Be £5....and Can Be Had By Calling
01304 370119
This Will Be Followed In Feb 06 ( Sat 18 Th ) At The Same Venue By
Another Performance of Earth Poem.........with Ramona Egle on Harp And
Low Whistle...had A Lot Of Requests For It To Be Seen Again.....again
...will Be Ticket Only Give Us A Ring
Further Info Will Follow
Hope To See You Soon......................adrian O.
From: Adrian O
Subject: Adrian's Images and Poems
Hi Everybody......... Well The Dates Are Set...... The Venue Booked....and
Tickets Are Now Available If You Would Like Them. After An Amazing
Trip to The Other End of The Earth.......and Returning with 6000 Images and
A Book Full of Poems......The First Performance of " Passages " Will Be
On Sat 21 Jan 06 at The Landmark Centre, High St. Deal. at 7,45. with
Guest... Blues Singer.... Katie Bradley..... Whose Wonderful Vocals Will
Add....That Extra Special Quality.....To.... The Best Set of Landscape Photos
I Have Ever Taken.
Tickets Must Be Booked in Advance..... We Are Not Allowed to
Sell On The Door
There Will Be A Bar Available ........ Tickets Are £5
Chqs to A. Sullivan
Available from Adrian Sullivan
2 Mariners View
Sandown Rd
Deal. Kent Ct14 6pg. Tel
01304 370119
Dont Forget to Include Your Address
and Then..........
4 Weeks Later.....On Sat 18 Feb..... Same
Venue.....Same Time....
A Performance of " Earthpoem " ........An Evening of More
Landscapes..and Poems.
with Harp and Low Whistle by The Very Talented...... Ramona Egle
( of Camine )
This Show Will Also Include New Material Shot On Our Recent
Journey..... Tickets Are
Also .... £5 ........ Available As Above..............................
We Hope to See You at One.. If Not Both of The Above.........Best Wishes
Adrian and Sue.
Ps. For Those Who Enjoy .....Poems....Stories...and Songs......Adrian Is
Performing at ........The Swingate Inn..... On The Deal to Dover Rd.... This
Saturday 26 November 05
at 7.45...... Maybe See You There.
The Orchard family down to the West Country are a most significant heritage.
Rod Stradling of Musical Traditions Internet Magazine says : "Tom is the grandfather - a singer and occasional box player. His wife, Amy Birch, is a wonderful singer. Tommy is the father - he's a box player and step-dancer."
Jean Orchard, says :
I was just looking at the website pages that you gave me and saw the line
up of the Topic CD and it reminded me to let you know that Amy Birch on
that CD is my mum and I am singing 'Over Yonders Hill' on our new CD!
(now released, aim to get my copy- beau)
The Orchard family were in London at the Musical Traditions : Keith Summers Fest. :
MAY 20TH - 22ND 2005
Sat. At the King & Queen, 1 Foley Street London W1W 6DL
A brilliant day, many excellent players and singers, with a strong contingent from Ireland. The Orchards were all I had hoped for an more, with Amy in fine voice singing old ballads, and Jean has indeed a lovely voice, singing some excellent somgs. Fine accordion and mellodeon playing from Tom and Tommy (as well as fascinating step dancing), but young Ashley was to me an excellent sign that there is much more fascinating music to come from this family.
KentFolk has a day-long recording in mp3, and part of the day and all of the evening as a .wav file - fills a DVD. This will be edited, and parts, with the musicians approval, may be available. Photos to come.
Sunday evening from 7.30, Rosie Stewart and The Orchard Family performed
at The Old Rose & Crown, Hoe Street
So if you know of players/singers in the
Gypsy / Romany tradition, particularly any fiddlers,
or know someone that might know, please do contact me.
It would be great to hear this music if we still can.
, Tel: 01227 721 736, Mob: 07875 170 593.
I will add updates as I learn more.
If you have been looking for the Wednesday Celtic session at the George Inn, Stone St. this has now terminated again - the session is back in the Anchor Inn in Wingham, until further notice.
However there are also now sessions in a number of pubs on different days of the week.
A most important session is an excellent French/European/Breton Session,
that has some very traditional instruments, including pipes,
"reed-capped shawm", and hurdy-gurdy, all in an excellent pub
with good beer.
See the photo-report on the new section:
[Current Gig Photos],
where there are also some sound-clips.
This session is on :
2nd Monday of the month:
at The Rose, The Green, Wickhambreaux,
CT3 1RQ :
a French/European Session at 8.30pm.
A new French/European/Breton Session is just starting up at the Yew Tree, Barfreston,
CT15 7JH,
and will probably be on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
2nd Tuesday of the month there is a new Swing Jazz session in the Dove at Dargate,
ME13 9HB :
Dargate Django Djam as a working title! - Yes excellent - very
enjoyable - beau
On the last Tuesday of the month: there is
a mixed session/folk evening in the Kings Head, Hythe.
Celtic session at the Anchor Inn, Wingham, on the A257 near Canterbury.
New musicians very welcome.
1st Wednesday: Watershed (English), Simple Simons, Canterbury.
last Wednesday of the month:
Larry and friends, Simple Simons, Canterbury.
This mixed session has now moved back to the Bear, in Faversham;
and an excellent evening it is, well attended by a range of
musicians (including some young ones), and a packed pub.
White Hart Folk Club, Hythe -
This has now been subsumed into "Folk at The Drum" :
Folk At The Drum, North Stanford just off Stone Street which is
just North of the Hythe exit from the M20.
New: The Two Brewers Acoustic Music night runs on the first Thursday of every
month at the Two Brewers, High Street Rochester 8.30pm onwards, hosted by
Sally Ironmonger Trio. ( Open Mic Night, PA
Alternate Thursdays: Jack Pound's Open Stage, Butt of Sherry,
132 High St, Hythe,
CT21 5LD. 8.30 pm, ring Jack : 01303 262 052.
New: (opposite) Alternate Thursdays: Open Stage at The Rose Inn, Wickhambreaux,
CT3 1RQ , 8.30 pm, ring or text Nick (07984 117259), or The Rose Inn (01227 721763).
1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday: The Celtic session that was in the Compasses,
Sole Street, Crundale has now moved to the Rose and Crown,
Stelling Minis,
Lat/Longitude:51.181999N 1.065000; Tel:01227 709265
2nd Sunday and 4th Sunday: Country and Blues Club,
8.30pm to 11.00pm
Fordwich Arms,
Kings St., Fordwich, Near Canterbury. 01227 710444, Contact Ray 07729627467
The last Sunday Celtic session at Deal has no home at the moment.
From: Martin Sutcliffe
Subject: French Session
Just a reminder for anyone interested, there is the monthly French Music
Session at The Rose Wickhambreaux Monday 14th November 8.30pm.
Be good to see you there.
Also, next week, Monday 21st November, at the Yew Tree Barfreston, there
will be a mixed music session, so if you fancy playing or just listening
do come and join us from around 8.30pm onwards.
Look forward to seeing you
From: Sally-Ann Ironmonger
Subject: Acoustic Music Night - Two Brewers, High Street, Rochester
Can you please advertise the above in Kent Folk gig guide?
The Two Brewers Acoustic Music night runs on the first Thursday of every
month at the Two Brewers, High Street Rochester 8.30pm onwards, hosted by
Sally Ironmonger Trio.
. Open Mic Night, PA
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MEDIA RELEASE Date: 9.1.06
Local musicians, singers and songwriters are invited to perform at a new Open Stage Night, (to be) launched at The Rose Inn, Wickhambreaux on Thursday 19th January. The Open Stage is an informal evening of music, mainly "unplugged" but with a house PA system to ensure acts can be heard above the usual chatter of drinkers.
The organiser is Nick Clarry, and he is keen to encourage performers at all levels, including first-timers who have never played in front of an audience.
QUOTE: " The Open Stage is a showcase for local talent, but also something for people of all ages to enjoy. Watching live music can be quite passive, but here the performers and audience can get to meet each other and chat."
"Running a rural Open Stage is a challenge, especially in winter, but this is a lovely historic pub with loads of character and warm log fires".
After the launch night, the next evening's entertainment will be on 9th February, and then every fortnight on Thursdays. Entrance is free and the music starts at 8.30pm.
Musicians interested in playing can ring or text Nick (07984 117259). Other enquiries: The Rose Inn (01227 721763)
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:06:36 -0000
From: Folk in the Barn
The Folk in the Barn - musicians get-together
is tonight (Thursday 12th January)
at Barham Methodist Church Hall - 7.30pm. Those
that have expressed an interest have already been informed,
but if there's anyone else that would like to come along you'd
be very welcome. This first meeting is really to discuss where
to go from here - as well as having a sing and a strum!
bye for now
01227 831493
07799 790 738
From: Kent Cajun
Subject: Wild Turkey new CD + launch gig!
Hello all,
The long awaited Wild Turkey CD "Gumbo" out:
The CD will be available from all Wild Turkey gigs or you can order by post
by calling 01227-779178.
"Gumbo" is priced £12 (please add £1.50 for postage & packing).
- Promoting Cajun and Zydeco music and dancing
in Kent!
Cajun Dances
Samedi Gras
To raise money for victims of the New Orleans Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Saturday 4th February 2006
Wild Turkey,
Biggin Hillbillies
Happy Trails
Appalachian Dancing by Taproots
at the Royal Function Rooms, Star Hill, Rochester.
7.30 - midnight, Tickets £10 inc. dance workshop
with Wild Turkey and Kay Anderson.
Call Ann : 01634 405840
All proceeds to be American Red Cross (Louisianna chapter) and New Orleans
Cajun Dance Workshops
These workshops are led by Kay Anderson, with Wild Turkey (Yves and Chris from Cajunologie) providing the live music.
2:30pm - 4:30pm at
St. Peters Church Hall, Cromwell Road, Whitstable, Kent.
CT5 1NA;
£3.50, ring 01227 779 178 :
11th December 2005
26th February 2006
23rd April 2006
28th May 2006
Also 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, now at
Davis Estate Community Centre, Barberry Avenue, Chatham,
ME5 9TE,
(was at Star Hill Function Rooms, Star Hill, Rochester);
£3.50, ring Ann on 01634 405 840.
27th November 2005
22th January 2006
26th March 2006.
There are regular French and Breton music and dance sessions on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 1.00pm at Hollingbourne Village Hall.
There is now a well established French and European Session in the Rose in Wickhambreaux, on the second Monday of the month. This is a top quality session in an excellent local pub.
See the photo-report on the new section: [Current Gig Photos], where there are also some sound-clips.
To hear this sort of music under decent recording conditions:
Drohne - Hurdy-Gurdy, Bagpipes, Woodwind - Phil Martin
(was broadcast on
BBC Radio 3: Live Studio Session on Andy Kershaw Show
- Broadcast 20th March 2005, 10:15 to midnight
and also streamed on the web.)
get their new album
"Hurdy-Gurdy Mandrohne",
distributed by
Cube Roots.
From: Folk in the Barn
Subject: FITB - Martin Simpson reminder
Hi All
January - ugh! Cold....damp.... dark.... and my birthday, what
gloom! Its a good job we have another fantastic concert to look
forward to!!
I know the festive season has been expensive and stressful but
please don't forget to let me know if you'd like to come and see
Martin Simpson, a bright spot in the middle of miserable Feb, which
is often worserer than Jan!
Here's some more blurb in case you're not sure.....
'Martin Simpson is one of the finest acoustic finger-style and slide guitar
players in the world. Winner of BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Musician of
The Year 2002 and 2004 and also winning Best Album in 2002 for
The Bramble Briar, he is a superb interpreter of traditional music and
song from Europe and from the American South. Growing up in
Lincolnshire he was inspired by the likes of Martin Carthy, Davey Graham
and Richard Thompson during the folk revival of the 60s. He was also
hugely influenced by the recordings of Big Joe Williams, the Reverend
Gary Davies, Blind Willie Johnson and Doc Watson, which has led to
an eclectic style of playing and repertoire that is all his own. He has
worked with the likes of Jackson Browne, David Lindley, June
Tabor, Martin Carthy and Eric Bibb and is a popular and much loved
solo performer.Both spell-binding, and highly entertaining, he is a
master of his craft'
When - Friday 17th Feb, doors 7.15pm
Where - Canterbury Cathedral International Study Centre
How much - £13 or £11 for concessions
How - usual way - email me, send a cheque to D Earl please (not
folk in the barn) we're not that professional yet!! plus a SAE
and if you're very good and keep all your New Year resolutions, i might
let you know when Show of Hands are coming!!
take care
01227 831493
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:06:36 -0000
From: Folk in the Barn
Subject: FITB - SHOW OF HANDS 2006
Ok as promised....
Show of Hands will be back at the Study Centre
on Friday April 21st
Saturday April 22nd
and no I can't do buy one get one free - sorry!!
The two nights will hopefully alleviate the perpetual problem of
the gig selling out and people being disappointed at not being
able to get a ticket. You are of course very welcome to come
to both performances and there will be a reduction in ticket
price for those that want to do that. The sets will be slightly
different to allow for that.
There is still the possibility of a workshop. Various factors
have meant that its been difficult to arrange details, not the
least of which was the guys extensive and all consuming
Autumn Tour and the fact that they are now working very
hard in the studio recording the new album, which should
be available for the Spring Tour. As soon as I know the
plans I will let you know.
In the meantime tickets will go on sale to the general public
from Monday but being special folkinthebarn list members
you get first bite.
Please book tickets by emailing me with your requirements
and following that up with a cheque payable to D Earl, and
send to 18 Derringstone Downs, Barham, Canterbury, Kent
CT4 6QE, plus a SAE
Standard price £14, concessionary price £12
Both nights - Standard price £24
" " - concessionary £20
Doesn't it come round quickly!!!
While I think of it, the Folk in the Barn - musicians get-together
is tonight (Thursday 12th January)
at Barham Methodist Church Hall - 7.30pm. Those
that have expressed an interest have already been informed,
but if there's anyone else that would like to come along you'd
be very welcome. This first meeting is really to discuss where
to go from here - as well as having a sing and a strum!
bye for now
01227 831493
07799 790 738
From: Martin Snodin
Subject: Good tidings from Acoustic Sussex...
Good tidings from Acoustic Sussex ...
Happy Christmas one and all - I hope you managed to get along to some
gigs and enjoyed the music and much as we did!
And we have some good tidings for you...
News of a new Acoustic Sussex venue!
From February, we're trialling The Ravenswood, at Sharpthorne (between
East Grinstead and Haywards Heath), for some of our gigs. Venue
Tidings of new 2006 recently confirmed dates!
* 16 January Cathie Ryan Band (more
* 31 January Karine Polwart (more at:
* 6 February Jonathan Kelly (more at:
* 16 February Nick Harper (more at:
* 27 February Amy Wadge (more at:
* 14 March Jacqui McShee's Pentangle (more at:
* 27 March Christine Collister (more at:
* 24 April Stephen Fearing (more at:
* 8 May Steve Tilston and Chris Parkinson (more at:
* 22 May Clive Gregson (more at:
* 25 May Eliza Gilkyson (more at:
More information on venues and ticket prices etc on our website at:
Hope to see you all in 2006!
Martin Snodin
Acoustic Sussex
01342 716975
From: Vic & Tina Smith
Subject: Four Attractive Concerts at the Brighton Dome
Eddi Reader eddi reader
Glasgow-born Eddi Reader is one of popular music's most thrilling
performers. From backing vocals for the Eurythmics to Fairground
Attraction's Perfect, she is renowned for her rare blend of honeydew
vocals and passionate, instinctive performances. For this special concert
Eddi and her band perform songs from her extensive back catalogue, plus
material from her acclaimed album of material by 18th century Scottish
poet Robert Burns, accompanied by a 9-piece string ensemble
'Reader's elegant renderings of such songs as 'My Love is like a Red Red
Rose' and 'Jamie Come Try Me' seem fresh and magical.' USA Today
Tue 24 Jan 8pm £15, £17.50
Richard Thompson + Jeb Loy Nichols
Having earned numerous awards and honours including the Ivor Novello
Award for songwriting, the Orville Gibson Award for guitarists, and the
No. 19 spot on Rolling Stone's 2004 list of all-time guitar greats,
Richard Thompson continues to prove why he is one of the biggest and most
well-respected names in folk music in this special solo concert,
performing tracks from his acclaimed new album Front Parlour Ballads
'Front Parlour Ballads may just be the most concise and potent
distillation of Thompson's art to date' Uncut [Album of the Month, Sep
Wed 1 Feb 7.30pm £17.50, £20
The Waterboys Karma to Burn Tour
Atmospheric, raw, exciting and passionate, The Waterboys (best known for
the smash hit single Whole of the Moon), are re-formed and ready to rock.
Performing tracks from their stunning new live album Karma To Burn, their
trademark blend of rock'n'roll, acoustic soul and firebrand Celticfolk is
as strong as ever, don't miss your chance to see them live when they come
to Brighton Dome
'[Mike Scott is] one of music's last true mavericks' The Guardian
Thu 2 Feb 8pm £18, £22
Beth Orton
Undoubtedly one of the UK's finest singer/songwriters, this is a rare
chance to hear Beth Orton live as she tours with her stunning new album
Comfort of Strangers
Wed 15 Feb 8pm £18.50
From: "Kent Band"
Subject: Instruments for school in Sierra Leone
I am seeking instruments for a school band in the capital of Sierra
Leone, Freetown.
The School is called "The Methodist Boys High School", and the band
comprises both present and past pupils.
It is a School that produces talented musicians but because of the
War everything was at standstill. It is now they are trying to build
the band again.
We would be very grateful if you can assist us in acquiring second
handed instruments listed below:
4 Trumpets
4 Cornets
2 Bb trombones
2 Bb Euphoniums
2 Bb Baritones
2 Eb Horns
2 Bb Bass
1 Eb Bass
2 Tenor Saxophone
2 Alto Saxophone
2 Bb Clarinet
1 Bass Drum
4 Side Drum with snare
5 Harness to carry above drums
2 Pair of cymbals
2 Triangles
1 Mace/Staff
Please if even not all, at least something that they can move along
My contact details are
Jessie Moore
Telephone - 0207-501-9847
Mobile - 07939-296092