KentFolk NewsDecember 2005 |
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Many of you will know Ken Latham - possibly first from his excellent spoons playing, but you will have gradually come to realise that this quiet, retiring man is also well respected for his shanty singing, and his own verse and song - he wrote a poem for my Thesis Party, in 2000.
Ken Latham, known affectionately by his fans as the "Woodnesborough Bard", is launching his new double CD at Deal Folk Club on Friday December 16th at 8.15p.m. (Royal Marines Association, the Strand, Walmer) - Everyone welcome.
Ken, a regular performer of both self-penned verses and songs at Deal Folk Club, has become well known on the East Kent folk scene for his perceptive reflections on life, his historical pieces on incidents, both local and national and for his deep-voice renderings of his own songs, with themes ranging from the two World Wars and coal mining in East Kent to hop picking and the joys of boat trips from Deal pier to Ramsgate. Ken, in pensive mood, can bring tears to your eyes; that self-deprecating humour always makes you smile and his version of Shallow Brown makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck.
Ken although born in Rotherhithe, London, has spent most of his life in East Kent, first moving here during the war, to escape the blitz. In 1946, aged 14, he became a telegram boy at Sandwich Post Office, moving on to become a local postman, delivering post in Sandwich town, Stonar, Richborough, Sandwich Bay, Eastry and Woodnesborough for a total of 47 years.
Ken married Audrey Fagg in 1955 and they brought up their 3 sons in Eastry, where Ken was heavily involved in village life. 1979 saw them move to Woodnesborough road, Sandwich. Unhappily Audrey died in 1993 after a long fight with cancer. It was after this that Ken began attending Deal Folk Club and Avril Cameron, the club.s host, eventually persuaded him to get up and perform.
"I believe the Folk Scene to be a very important part of our national arts movement" said Ken, "involving as it does, song, dance, music of various genres, poetry and storytelling. So, there you'll find me, watching the dancers, joining in with the choruses in club-room or bar, rattling spoons at sessions or just leaning on the wall, by the bandstand during Broadstairs Folk Week, as I witness the sheer joy being generated by the performers."
And you'll also find Ken delighting his own audiences at folk clubs around the area with his own verses and songs, many of which are now available on the new double CD, "Ken on Life" and "Ken on Kent". At Ken's request all profits from sales of the CD are to go to the Pilgrims Hospice, Canterbury.
Copies of the CD are available from :
Adrian and Sue Sullivan 01304 370119
Further information about the CD launch from:
Bill Howarth 01227 786303
From: "Kent Band"
Subject: Funding for talented young musicians
The charity AWARDS FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS helped 120 young people last year.
The charity is looking for more talent to support in 2006. Individual awards are
for under 18s and range up to £2000 each.
Musically talented young people can apply to the charity for help with buying an
instrument, paying their music tuition fees or attending music courses.
Application forms are available from
and the deadline for
getting them in is 31 January 2006. Awards will be made in April 2006.
It is notoriously difficult to define talent and, in the absence of another
method at present, the eligibility criteria is "distinction in last music
examination". Parents are also required to give evidence of need for financial
For more details contact:
Bridget Sime
Awards for Young Musicians
Tel: 01268 571887
From: "Folk Spots"
Subject: Kent goes to Washington
Hi all,
Today I attended the Seminar called by KCC and the Smithsonian to find out more about their plans for 2007. It looks certain that the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in 2007 in Washington DC will include a strong contingent of businesses and arts from Kent. KCC are committed to putting in $400,000 and the Smithsonian will put up over $1,500,000. There will also be other sponsorship and commitments. This funding is for the whole festival which will include businesses and arts from several other countries, US States, Wales, Ireland, etc. not just Kent. The idea from KCC's point of view is to promote Kent in economic and tourism terms through what is effectively a giant expo style event and an arts festival rolled into one. The Festival has been running successfully for over 30 years or there about. It will include all forms of performing arts, dance, music, etc. not just folk so let us hope with the Smithsonian influence folk gets a good look in. It looks very exiting so I have registered an interest and will keep you informed when I hear more.
Check out the Smithsonian website at
Alan has offered to coordinate the Kentish Folk response to this initiative.
Also now follow the above link to find the dates of the Kentish Festivals in 2006, with links to the individual festival web pages.
Hopefully I will have more time to extend the number of Event Tables that can be updated this way.
Please follow this link if you are thinking of puting your gig lists on
the web, or plan to send gig information to KentFolk.
"Fiddlers Various", with 7 top quality/virtuoso fiddlers and all British uillean pipe champion, in the excellent Littlebourne Thatched Barn, plus two pub gigs over a long weekend:
went even better than I hoped - gigabytes of recorded sound,
4 hours of video - I hope to get the photo report up soon,
just also a very important time for my research at the moment
so that has to take precedence.
The St. Patrick's Night special - Thu. 17th March, with Camine, in the Red Lion Hotel sold out well in advance, and in spite of sold out notices more than 300 people tried to book. This was an excellent evening, with a rib-sticking Irish stew - I have photos and a recording, and will do a photo report as soon as I have a moment.
The next event was
Spring Cajun Dance
with Wild Turkey, on Saturday 7th May,
(the week-end after Rochester Sweeps festival 2005),
in the Littlebourne Thatched Barn.
One chair was left unsold - but everyone was
dancing, so no problem there, an excellent evening.
I will try and get the photos up soon.
The most ambitious was a long weekend, the first weekend in June, when there was a
There were also pub gigs :
Fiddler Saskia Tomkins in the King William IV in Littlebourne.
Monkey Puzzle with Laura Targett on fiddle, Lucy Randall on Bodhran,
and Pete Gazey on Guitar will be in the Red Lion in Wingham on Monday
6th June
The next event was an :
Fiddle virtuoso Chris Haigh is deeply knowledgeable about fiddle styles
from all round the world : on his web-site,
he lists :
Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Klezmer,
Mid East and The Med, India, China, Mexico, Cajun, Old Time,
Bluegrass, Western Swing, and Jazz.
He gave an afternoon talk about these styles of playing, and their ornamentation and cultural background, demonstrate some with his fiddle, as well as demonstrating some of the ethnic fiddles he has brought back.
He also showed images and sound clips of a number of these styles that he has accummulated from his travels around the world.
In the evening Chris Haigh and Alan Dunn gave a concert featuring
Venue: Kingston Barn, The Street, Kingston, Nr. Canterbury, Kent. CT4 6JQ
Less support for this gig than earlier Fiddlers Various gigs, though all those who attended said what excellent events they were. We will see if anything like this year's gigs happen again.
So now Adrian and Sue are back - congratulations on a successful and wonderful trip - and thanks for taking us along by e-mail - now we just wait for the photos ...
On the 29th September Adrian did a very well attended evening of Stories, Poems and Songs in the Alma in Deal.
Adrian writes :
From: Adrian O
Subject: Another Performance
Hi Folks, Just To Let You Know About The Next Performance By The Man In The
Green Hat......yes Himself.....adrian Will Be At
The Swingate Inn ( On The A258 Deal To Dover Rd 500 Yds From
The Jubillee Way / Duke Of Yorks Roundabout )
On Sat 26 Th 7.45 Pm
With A Different Set Of Material.....
So If You Are Free It Would Be Great To See You. Info Phone
01304 370119
Stop Press !!!!!!!! The Date Of The Big Slide Show ( Called
Passages ) From Our Big Trip
Is Sat 21 Jan 06 At The Landmark Centre
Deal 7.45 Pm
Images - Poems - Music - with
Special Guest
Katie Bradley..... Who Will Sing Over
Selected Passages
Further Info To Follow In The Next Week Or So...... It Will Be
A Ticket Only Will Be £5....and Can Be Had By Calling
01304 370119
This Will Be Followed In Feb 06 ( Sat 18 Th ) At The Same Venue By
Another Performance of Earth Poem.........with Ramona Egle on Harp And
Low Whistle...had A Lot Of Requests For It To Be Seen Again.....again
...will Be Ticket Only Give Us A Ring
Further Info Will Follow
Hope To See You Soon......................adrian O.
From: Adrian O
Subject: Adrian's Images and Poems
Hi Everybody......... Well The Dates Are Set...... The Venue Booked....and
Tickets Are Now Available If You Would Like Them. After An Amazing
Trip to The Other End of The Earth.......and Returning with 6000 Images and
A Book Full of Poems......The First Performance of " Passages " Will Be
On Sat 21 Jan 06 at The Landmark Centre, High St. Deal. at 7,45. with
Guest... Blues Singer.... Katie Bradley..... Whose Wonderful Vocals Will
Add....That Extra Special Quality.....To.... The Best Set of Landscape Photos
I Have Ever Taken.
Tickets Must Be Booked in Advance..... We Are Not Allowed to
Sell On The Door
There Will Be A Bar Available ........ Tickets Are £5
Chqs to A. Sullivan
Available from Adrian Sullivan
2 Mariners View
Sandown Rd
Deal. Kent Ct14 6pg. Tel
01304 370119
Dont Forget to Include Your Address
and Then..........
4 Weeks Later.....On Sat 18 Feb..... Same
Venue.....Same Time....
A Performance of " Earthpoem " ........An Evening of More
Landscapes..and Poems.
with Harp and Low Whistle by The Very Talented...... Ramona Egle
( of Camine )
This Show Will Also Include New Material Shot On Our Recent
Journey..... Tickets Are
Also .... £5 ........ Available As Above..............................
We Hope to See You at One.. If Not Both of The Above.........Best Wishes
Adrian and Sue.
Ps. For Those Who Enjoy .....Poems....Stories...and Songs......Adrian Is
Performing at ........The Swingate Inn..... On The Deal to Dover Rd.... This
Saturday 26 November 05
at 7.45...... Maybe See You There.
The Orchard family down to the West Country are a most significant heritage.
Rod Stradling of Musical Traditions Internet Magazine says : "Tom is the grandfather - a singer and occasional box player. His wife, Amy Birch, is a wonderful singer. Tommy is the father - he's a box player and step-dancer."
Jean Orchard, says :
I was just looking at the website pages that you gave me and saw the line
up of the Topic CD and it reminded me to let you know that Amy Birch on
that CD is my mum and I am singing 'Over Yonders Hill' on our new CD!
(now released, aim to get my copy- beau)
The Orchard family were in London at the Musical Traditions : Keith Summers Fest. :
MAY 20TH - 22ND 2005
Sat. At the King & Queen, 1 Foley Street London W1W 6DL
A brilliant day, many excellent players and singers, with a strong contingent from Ireland. The Orchards were all I had hoped for an more, with Amy in fine voice singing old ballads, and Jean has indeed a lovely voice, singing some excellent somgs. Fine accordion and mellodeon playing from Tom and Tommy (as well as fascinating step dancing), but young Ashley was to me an excellent sign that there is much more fascinating music to come from this family.
KentFolk has a day-long recording in mp3, and part of the day and all of the evening as a .wav file - fills a DVD. This will be edited, and parts, with the musicians approval, may be available. Photos to come.
Sunday evening from 7.30, Rosie Stewart and The Orchard Family performed
at The Old Rose & Crown, Hoe Street
So if you know of players/singers in the
Gypsy / Romany tradition, particularly any fiddlers,
or know someone that might know, please do contact me.
It would be great to hear this music if we still can.
, Tel: 01227 721 736, Mob: 07875 170 593.
I will add updates as I learn more.
If you have been looking for the Wednesday Celtic session at the George Inn, Stone St. this has now terminated again - the session is back in the Anchor Inn in Wingham, until further notice.
However there are also now sessions in a number of pubs on different days of the week.
A most important new session is an excellent French/European Session,
that has some very traditional instruments, including pipes,
"reed-capped shawm", and hurdy-gurdy, all in an excellent pub
with good beer.
See the photo-report on the new section:
[Current Gig Photos],
where there are also some sound-clips.
This session is on :
2nd Monday of the month:
at The Rose, The Green, Wickhambreaux,
CT3 1RQ :
a French/European Session at 8.30pm.
There is a new Swing Jazz session in the Dove at Dargate every Tuesday :
Dargate Django Djam as a working title! - Yes excellent - very
enjoyable - beau
On the last Tuesday of the month there is a mixed session/folk evening in the Kings Head, Hythe.
Celtic session at the Anchor Inn, Wingham, on the A257 near Canterbury.
New musicians very welcome.
1st Wednesday, Watershed (En-->br>p>br>br>i>/i>br>br>br>p>!--
On the 1st Sunday there is a Celtic session at the Shipwrights Arms, Faversham;
-->a href="">/a>br>!--
On the 2nd Sunday there is the White Horse, Chilham,
which is a mixed Blues / Celtic / Country evening;
-->br>b>/b>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>hr>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>a name="CajunMusicandDance">/a>h2>/h2>br>br>i>br
@>/i>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>br>b>/b>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>b>/b>p>p>a href="">/a>br>br>br>br>p>a href="">/a>br>br>br>br>!--
-->p>hr>p>a name="Folk">/a>h2>/h2>br>br>br>br>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>a name="BretonMusicandDance">/a>h2>/h2>p>p>p>a href="../index.html#GigPhotoIndex">/a>p>br>a href="">/a>br>br>a href="">/a>a href="">/a>br>hr>p>a name="Blues">/a>h2>/h2>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>hr>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>br>!--
From: Richard Brookes
Subject: FW: Chill out to a summer's evening of Jazz on the North Downs
Knockholt Carnival 2006
Date: 8th May 2005
Chill out to a summer's evening of Jazz on the North Downs
As one of its key events leading up to the Knockholt Carnival 2006 the
Carnival Committee today announced an evening for all the family at the
Knockholt `Jazz Picnic' in the village recreation ground on Saturday 30th
July 2005.
An evening of New Orleans, Dixieland and traditional jazz will be
performed by Phil Mason's New Orleans All-Stars, the internationally
renowned jazz band which performs at major music festivals and is
regarded as one of the biggest traditional jazz attractions at home and
on the international scene.
The Knockholt Jazz Picnic promises to be a great night out for all the
family who are encouraged to bring their own food and drink and relax to
the mellow sounds of jazz on in this picturesque Kent Village.
This is one of several events organised prior to the Knockholt Carnival
2006 from which all profits raised will be donated to the Kent Air
Ambulance Trust.
Knockholt `Jazz Picnic' featuring Phil Mason's New Orleans All-Stars.
Saturday 30th July 2005 (Gates open at5.30pm - band performs at 7.00pm)
Knockholt Village Recreation Ground, Kent
Ticket Prices:
ADULTS (£7.50): CHILDREN UNDER 12 (Free - max two per adult):
12 TO 17 YEAR OLDS (£5.00). These are discounted prices are for
tickets purchased before Saturday 30th July.
For further information or to reserve tickets for the Knockholt Carnival
`Jazz Picnic' call 01959 534600 / 533884 or email:
Also available from Knockholt Village
Media enquiries call Richard Brookes on on 01959 533639/07753 615684 or
1. Knockholt recreation ground is situated 4 miles North of
Sevenoaks, Kent, 8 miles south of Bromley and 4 miles from J4 of the M25.
For a map of where to find Knockholt visit
2. Jazz picnicers advised to bring their own food, drink and picnic
From: Ian
Subject: Rig Gig - Folkestone harbour Sat 4th June
Hi Beau,
Just a few lines to let you know of our gig on Sat 4th June at The
Mariner pub and restaurant 16 The Stade, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6AB
Tel (01303) 254546
This has become a popular venue with us and a pleasant place for an
evening out. Last time we played there we received a very favourable
welcome and hopefully we can recreate the same atmosphere and good spirit
again this time. The Mariner is the last pub along the harbourside beside
the fishing boats and before you reach the sandy bay. Probably a 9pm
start, and we'll have some new numbers such as Little Feat's 'Dixie
Chicken' to begin and The Band's 'Up On Cripple Creek'. Others are in
'process' and we shall wait and see.
Hope to see you, if not on this occasion, then soon.
Box Office 01227 769075
On line bookings
-->p>hr>p>a name="KingstonBarn">/a>h2>/h2>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>a href="">/a>p>hr>p>h2>/h2>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>br>p>hr>p>!--