KentFolk NewsJuly 2005 |
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I have just added the capability to generate some of the Event Tables, that the KentFolk monthly calendars are created from, by the direct reading of a limited number of venue and group gig lists that are on the web.
Hopefully I will have more time to extend the number of Event Tables that can be updated this way.
Anyway, as a result, there are quite a few more gigs on the KentFolk calendar than I usually have time to do other than at Christmas.
Subject: SEFAN:2005-06-20:01.' Two in a bar rule' to go on 24 November 2005
Don't forget to keep pushing your venues, contacts etc.
to ensure that they're all in order.
luv 1d x
Begin forwarded message:
From: Fee Lock via MF Broadcast engine
Subject: 'Two in a bar rule' to go on 24 November 2005
This is a broadcast message for The Morris Federation
=======message follows========
The 'two in a bar rule' will finally cease on 24 November 2005. This exemption from public entertainment licensing for one or two live performers was originally introduced in 1961.
Music and licensing minister James Purnell announced the date during a debate on licensing on Wednesday 08 June A DCMS press statement also confirmed the date:
24 November marks the end of the 'transition period' during which all
existing licences must be converted or varied to the new premises licence.
Many, if not most, two in a bar gigs will have to be licensed under the new regime. Such gigs could be lost or postponed because local authorities may not be able to process the necessary 'variation' applications within two months (i.e. by 6 October, two months after the 6 August deadline for conversion applications). The new law states that variation applications not processed within two months are deemed refused.
Landlords whose live music applications have failed for this reason could continue to trade after 24 November, but without the live music (unless they opted for a Temporary Event Notice, up to 12 allowed per premises per year). To get a permanent live music authorisation they would have to appeal to the magistrates court to reinstate their 'variation' for live music, or re-apply to the local authority. Either way this will take months, not to mention the paperwork, fees, and potential for knock-on costs.
Penny Allen / Anthony John Allen
South East Folk Arts Network:
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495
Stepback Project & Broken Ankles:
"Fiddlers Various", with 7 top quality/virtuoso fiddlers and all British uillean pipe champion, in the excellent Littlebourne Thatched Barn, plus two pub gigs over a long weekend:
went even better than I hoped - gigabytes of recorded sound,
4 hours of video - I hope to get the photo report up soon,
just also a very important time for my research at the moment
so that has to take precedence.
The St. Patrick's Night special - Thu. 17th March, with Camine, in the Red Lion Hotel sold out well in advance, and in spite of sold out notices more than 300 people tried to book. This was an excellent evening, with a rib-sticking Irish stew - I have photos and a recording, and will do a photo report as soon as I have a moment.
The next event was
Spring Cajun Dance
with Wild Turkey, on Saturday 7th May,
(the week-end after Rochester Sweeps festival 2005),
in the Littlebourne Thatched Barn.
One chair was left unsold - but everyone was
dancing, so no problem there, an excellent evening.
I will try and get the photos up soon.
The most ambitious is a long weekend, the first weekend in June, when there will be a
As accompanists we have both Steáfán Hannigan (all British uillean pipe champion and virtuoso bodhran player, plus a multitude of other instruments, including bouzouki,whistles and flute) and Chris Taylor (plays regularly at Leeds Castle, guitar, accordion, harmonica, bouzouki).
There will be a bar provided by the King William IV (Littlebourne), with a good range of beers, and there will be a limited number of tables for people to bring their own food. Seats will be numbered, so the earlier you book the better the seat you will get.
Both Ben Paley and Saskia Tomkins will be holding fiddle workshops during the day on the Sunday, £17 each.
There will also be pub gigs :
Fiddler Saskia Tomkins will be in the King William IV in Littlebourne
on Friday 3rd June; Saskia is a most excellent player.
Monkey Puzzle with Laura Targett on fiddle, Lucy Randall on Bodhran,
and Pete Gazey on Guitar will be in the Red Lion in Wingham on Monday
6th June; this will be a "Curry and Ceilidh" night, for £10.
If you do not know Chris Wood's playing, see below the quote from fRoots regarding his latest album "The Lark Descending".
Then there is an Autumn Barn Dance, in the Littlebourne Thatched Barn, on the 24th September, with the Longstone/Camine fusion that was such a success 2 years ago.
I can now say thet KentFolk is also doing a double fiddle event as
Canterbury Festival umbrella events :
U16a: 2pm Sunday 16th October 2005: "Fiddling Around the World" - an illustrated afternoon talk, and
U16b: 8pm Sunday 16th October 2005: "Fiddling Around the World" - an evening concert.
Fiddle virtuoso Chris Haigh is deeply knowledgeable about fiddle styles
from all round the world : on his web-site,
he lists :
Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Klezmer,
Mid East and The Med, India, China, Mexico, Cajun, Old Time,
Bluegrass, Western Swing, and Jazz.
He will be giving an afternoon talk about these styles of playing, and their ornamentation and cultural background, demonstrate some with his fiddle, as well as demonstrating some of the ethnic fiddles he has brought back.
He will also be showing images and sound clips of a number of these styles
that he has accummulated from his travels around the world.
Venue: Kingston Barn, The Street, Kingston, Nr. Canterbury, Kent. CT4 6JQ
See the
Thanks for the excellent support for the Fiddlers Various gigs, please do support the remaining events if you want anything like this to happen again.
Chris Wood - The Lark Descending
The new CD by Chris Wood (The Lark Descending
) seems to us to be
one of the best out of the English folk scene in living memory. There
has been much animated discussion on our message board about his
recent live appearance on Late Junction playing tracks from it. I think
its appeal goes way beyond people who think they like English folk,
even to those who think they don't - especially because some of the
modern songs on it are awe inspiring.
Released on June 15th and available online at
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"Fiddlers Various" Showcase is a chance to hear Chris Wood in person and to buy his latest CD (guitar as well as fiddle); at a recent gig in Faversham we discussed some of the pieces that he might do at "Fiddlers Various" - some of his ideas are fascinating - beau
So now Adrian and Sue are back - congratulations on a successful and wonderful
trip - and thanks for taking us along by e-mail - now we just wait for the
photos ...
Manston are doing flights to Shannon - out on the Friday evening, back on the Sunday night, so ideal for a weekend. Clare is a great county for music - why not give it a try ?
If you can take a week off, go for the
Willy Clancy Summer School in
Miltown Malbay, County Clare, Ireland .... (other flights for shorter times
away are sold out).
The Orchard family down to the West Country are a most significant heritage.
Rod Stradling of Musical Traditions Internet Magazine says : "Tom is the grandfather - a singer and occasional box player. His wife, Amy Birch, is a wonderful singer. Tommy is the father - he's a box player and step-dancer."
Jean Orchard, says :
I was just looking at the website pages that you gave me and saw the line
up of the Topic CD and it reminded me to let you know that Amy Birch on
that CD is my mum and I am singing 'Over Yonders Hill' on our new CD!
(to be released August - beau)
The Orchard family were in London at the Musical Traditions : Keith Summers Fest. :
MAY 20TH - 22ND 2005
Sat. At the King & Queen, 1 Foley Street London W1W 6DL
A brilliant day, many excellent players and singers, with a strong contingent from Ireland. The Orchards were all I had hoped for an more, with Amy in fine voice singing old ballads, and Jean has indeed a lovely voice, singing some excellent somgs. Fine accordion and mellodeon playing from Tom and Tommy (as well as fascinating step dancing), but young Ashley was to me an excellent sign that there is much more fascinating music to come from this family.
KentFolk has a day-long recording in mp3, and part of the day and all of the evening as a .wav file - fills a DVD. This will be edited, and parts, with the musicians approval, may be available. Photos to come.
Sunday evening from 7.30, Rosie Stewart and The Orchard Family performed
at The Old Rose & Crown, Hoe Street
So if you know of players/singers in the
Gypsy / Romany tradition, particularly any fiddlers,
or know someone that might know, please do contact me.
It would be great to hear this music if we still can.
, Tel: 01227 721 736, Mob: 07875 170 593.
I will add updates as I learn more.
If you have been looking for the Wednesday Celtic session at the George Inn, Stone St. this has now terminated again - the session is back in the Anchor Inn in Wingham, until further notice.
However there are also now sessions in a number of pubs on different days of the week.
A most important new session is an excellent French/European Session,
that has some very traditional instruments, including pipes,
"reed-capped shawm", and hurdy-gurdy, all in an excellent pub
with good beer.
See the photo-report on the new section:
[Current Gig Photos],
where there are also some sound-clips.
This session is on :
2nd Monday of the month:
at The Rose, The Green, Wickhambreaux,
CT3 1RQ :
a French/European Session at 8.30pm.
There is a new Swing Jazz session in the Dove at Dargate every Tuesday :
Dargate Django Djam as a working title! - Yes excellent - very
enjoyable - beau
On the last Tuesday of the month there is a mixed session/folk evening in the Kings Head, Hythe.
Celtic session at the Anchor Inn, Wingham, on the A257 near Canterbury.
New musicians very welcome.
1st Wednesday, Watershed (English), Simple Simons, Canterbury.
last Wednesday of the month:
Larry and friends, Simple Simons, Canterbury.
This mixed session has now moved back to the Bear, in Faversham;
and an excellent evening it is, well attended by a range of
musicians and a packed pub.
White Hart Folk Club, Hythe -
This has now been subsumed into "Folk at The Drum" :
Folk At The Drum, North Stanford just off Stone Street which is
just North of the Hythe exit from the M20.
On the 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday there is a Celtic session in the Compasses,
Sole Street, Crundale.
The last Sunday Celtic session at Deal has no home at the moment.
From: Kent Cajun
Subject: Forthcoming Cajun Events: June - July 2005
Hi there,
Plenty going on during the summer, so dust off your dance shoes and come on
The Dance Workshop dates for 2005-2006 have now also been confirmed along
with new venue for Rochester workshops. For details, see
Thursday 14th July 2005
Folk at the Brook presents: CAJUN DANCE NIGHT with Wild Turkey at The Brook
Theatre (Old Town Hall, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4SE). 8pm start, tickets £6 from
The Box Office tel: 01634 338338 or by email
more information and a downloadable Brook Theatre brochure see the Brook
Theatre Website at
Saturday 16th July 2005
WHITSTABILLIES at the Wrotham Arms (9 Ramsgate Road, Broadstairs, CT10 1QQ).
9pm start
Friday 22nd July
WILD TURKEY at the Prince of Wales (9 High Street, Strood, ME2 4AB) at 9pm.
Hope to see you on a dancefloor somewhere!
- Promoting Cajun and Zydeco music and dancing
in Kent!
Cajun Dances
See Satu's email above, also :
On Thursday 6th. October the Cajun Barn have The Ray Abshire Cajun Band from Louisiana, 7.30-11.00 pm.
Cajun Dance Workshops
These workshops are led by Kay Anderson, with Wild Turkey (Yves and Chris from Cajunologie) providing the live music.
2:30pm - 4:30pm at
St. Peters Church Hall, Cromwell Road, Whitstable, Kent.
CT5 1NA;
£3.50, ring 01227 779 178 :
Also 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, now at
Davis Estate Community Centre, Barberry Avenue, Chatham,
ME5 9TE,
(was at Star Hill Function Rooms, Star Hill, Rochester);
£3.50, ring Ann on 01634 405 840.
- Summer Break -
25th September 2005
27th November 2005
22th January 2006
26th March 2006.
From: Orpington Folk Club
Subject: Orpington Folk Club
Hi Beau, please note the New venue.
Orpington Folk Club
the 'Change of Horses'
Farnborough High Street
01689 852949
Brian Bruce
Has joined the organisers he can be contacted on: 0020 8856 5711
Many thanks.
There is a recently started French and European Session in the Rose in Wickhambreaux, on the second Monday of the month (see below). This is a top quality session in an excellent local pub.
There are regular French and Breton music and dance sessions on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 1.00pm at Hollingbourne Village Hall.
From: Steve Barrett
See the photo-report on the new section:
[Current Gig Photos],
where there are also some sound-clips.
To hear this sort of music under decent recording conditions:
From: Bottleneck Blues
From: Richard Brookes
From: Folk in the Barn
From: Michael Clark
From: "Stepto, Paul"
From: Hook The Band
From: Maria long
Subject: Les Batons
Just to let you know that there is a French Music Session
at the Rose,Wickhambreaux, Kent (not far from Canterbury), on Monday 15th
November at about 8.30pm.
If you are interested please try and come along - if enough are there it
will become a regular session.
If you want to know more please email Martin Sutcliffe at
See you soon
(01303 253717)
Drohne - Hurdy-Gurdy, Bagpipes, Woodwind - Phil Martin
(was broadcast on
BBC Radio 3: Live Studio Session on Andy Kershaw Show
- Broadcast 20th March 2005, 10:15 to midnight
and also streamed on the web.)
get their new album
"Hurdy-Gurdy Mandrohne",
distributed by
Cube Roots.
Subject: Next Gig ~ early warning!
Fri 15th July The Errol Linton Blues Vibe plus Migden & Gibson (I hope!)
The Bottleneck Blues Club, Zaffa, Week Street, Maidstone. [IMAGE]
Only one more date left in Toby's storming tour schedule & that's this
Saturday the 2nd July at Pam's Bar,The Essex Arms, Brentwood, Essex. Tel:
01277 201164. This gig is organised by the very wonderful Ashwyn Smythe
(for it is he!) of Phoenix Radio which has an excellent programme called
Digital Blues. This is your last chance to catch Toby before he returns
to New York on Sunday & I kid you not he is playing like I've never seen
him play before. His show at The Spitz ( a lovely venue in Old
Spitalfields Market ~ great food, great music, great vibe!) last Wed was
a cracker as was his gig in Southsea last night.....& he keeps playing
numbers I've never heard him do before!
I'll confirm the details soon for our next & last show of the season on
the 15th July in Maidstone......Errol Linton is definitely on the bill
but I'm waiting to hear from Migden & Gibson.....but no worries (What me
worry? In the immortal words of Alfred E Newman) we're in for another
tour de force show. Errol for those not in the know is a National
Treasure, go on his site
he only works with the
very best musicians & his take on blues which mixes just a tad of Reggae
into some of the numbers is unique. He has an amazing voice & plays
great harp.
So ~ our last show for two months is Fri 15th July in Maidstone.
GET YOUR's your last chance before the arrival of Delta Moon
who arrive in mid Sept.for their third UK tour.
Subject: FW: Chill out to a summer's evening of Jazz on the North Downs
Knockholt Carnival 2006
Date: 8th May 2005
Chill out to a summer's evening of Jazz on the North Downs
As one of its key events leading up to the Knockholt Carnival 2006 the
Carnival Committee today announced an evening for all the family at the
Knockholt `Jazz Picnic' in the village recreation ground on Saturday 30th
July 2005.
An evening of New Orleans, Dixieland and traditional jazz will be
performed by Phil Mason's New Orleans All-Stars, the internationally
renowned jazz band which performs at major music festivals and is
regarded as one of the biggest traditional jazz attractions at home and
on the international scene.
The Knockholt Jazz Picnic promises to be a great night out for all the
family who are encouraged to bring their own food and drink and relax to
the mellow sounds of jazz on in this picturesque Kent Village.
This is one of several events organised prior to the Knockholt Carnival
2006 from which all profits raised will be donated to the Kent Air
Ambulance Trust.
Knockholt `Jazz Picnic' featuring Phil Mason's New Orleans All-Stars.
Saturday 30th July 2005 (Gates open at5.30pm - band performs at 7.00pm)
Knockholt Village Recreation Ground, Kent
Ticket Prices:
ADULTS (£7.50): CHILDREN UNDER 12 (Free - max two per adult):
12 TO 17 YEAR OLDS (£5.00). These are discounted prices are for
tickets purchased before Saturday 30th July.
For further information or to reserve tickets for the Knockholt Carnival
`Jazz Picnic' call 01959 534600 / 533884 or email:
Also available from Knockholt Village
Media enquiries call Richard Brookes on on 01959 533639/07753 615684 or
1. Knockholt recreation ground is situated 4 miles North of
Sevenoaks, Kent, 8 miles south of Bromley and 4 miles from J4 of the M25.
For a map of where to find Knockholt visit
2. Jazz picnicers advised to bring their own food, drink and picnic
Kingston Barn
Subject: FolkintheBarn News - Roll on December!!!!
Hi Folks
Thanks to those of you who have recently sent your cheque
for MSB and CQ tickets, they will be in the post today or
tomorrow. I have been waiting to get confirmation of
some very exciting news so that I can send it with the
tickets to those not on the email list.
As most of you know we have the wonderfully talented
Miranda Sykes and her equally wonderful, talented band
coming to the Barn on October 14th. There are still some
tickets left for that but not many......
We have the indefinable and hugely entertaining ColvinQuarmby
coming in November for what is becoming a regular spot!
Tickets at £10 are now available for that gig - which is Saturday
19th November in the Kingston Barn. Sold out last time so
be warned......
But also.....
I can now announce that the amazing Martyn Joseph will be
coming to the Cathedral venue on Friday 16th December.
For those who don't know of Martyn (where have you been?)
the easiest way to find out more is check out his website
I came to know of him, again like most of the musicians I've come
across in recent years, because of his connections with Show
of Hands. Steve Knightley met Martyn about 5 years ago at
the Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham. The two of them hit
it off straight away and ended up touring together along with
their mutual friend Tom Robinson (yes THE Tom Robinson)
under the banner Faith Folk and Anarchy. You can probably
work out which titlle applied to who! The trio undertook two
tours to great acclaim and two albums were released as a
result. The project ended due to Tom's radio commitments
and I was extremely lucky to be at the very last gig, which took place
in Hammersmith, and which was an experience I will never forget.
Since then Martyn, who has a huge and devoted following of
his own, both in the UK and across in the US and Canada,
has guested at Show of Hands' annual family concert at
Abbotsbury and been on a couple more tours with Steve Knightley.
The following has been extracted from Martyn's website and
was written by Stewart Henderson.....
"Britain's two leading contemporary music magazines Q, and, MoJo,
respectively, describe Martyn Joseph as having 'a depth, resonance
and emotional punch, which belies comparisons', and as being
'an artist of enduring worth'. Meanwhile The Guardian was
transfixed by this gifted and gracious Welshman's 'burnished voice'
whilst Tom Robinson of BBC 6 Music and iconic songwriter himself,
regards Martyn as one of Britain's 'most charismatic and
electrifying performers'. The Boston Globe concluded that the man
was a 'profound experience'.
One observer after seeing Martyn in concert likened the experience
and content to 'the beautiful business of being alive with all its jokes,
absurdity and sadness, seared by music for the heart and head'.
When you encounter Martyn Joseph, you'll hear likewise........."
I have seen him perform solo a number of times and on tour
with Steve, and also at Abbotsbury where he and Phil did a stunning
version of 'One of Us' . He is one of my most favourite performers, his
passion, presence and humour, combined with songs that move you to
think, to pray, to cry and to smile, (And he's not bad looking either
plus the incredible way he plays his guitar, make him the perfect
performer. And he's coming to Canterbury - HOORAY !!! Write it
down now ..... Friday 16th December, Canterbury Cathedral International
Study Centre. Treat yourself to an early Christmas present!
Tickets £13 and £11(cons), from me in the usual way, details at the end
for those who are unfamiliar.
Right off for a cuppa now to calm myself down!! I must not wish the
summer away. I must not wish the summer away, I must........
Take care
01227 831493
for tickets - please send a cheque payable to D Earl, to
18 Derringstone Downs, Barham, Canterbury, Kent
CT4 6QE stating which concert they are for. Best to email
me first to check and reserve them. Please include a
stamped addressed envelope - THANK YOU.
pps If I include a flyer with your
tickets perhaps you would be kind enough to display
it somewhere appropriate or pass it on to someone else
who you think may be interested.That would be great.
Many thanks, Debs.
Sussex Folk
From: Vic & Tina Smith
Subject: Eight Items of Folk Music News from Sussex
Thursdays at 8.00 pm
or 01273 478124
June 30th
Elizabeth Stewart is indisposed and is unable to travel down from
Aberdeenshire to perform for us. As a replacement, we are delighted to be
able to present three other outstanding Scottish singers - SYLVIA BARNES,
Programme for the remainder of this season:-
July 7th * £6.00 * MARTIN CARTHY
The leading performer on the folk scene for decades, Martin maintains his
ability to provide spell-binding performances.
July 14th*£4.00 * TRIO THRELFALL
The unparalleled combination of the lovely singing sisters, Jane & Amanda
Threlfall in the company of multi-instrumentalist, Roger Edwards.
July 21st * £5.00 * LES CHAUFFEURS À PIEDS
We are delighted to be able to bring you this outstanding quartet from
Quebec. Fine call & response songs and hard foot-driven dance tunes.
July 28th * free admission * GRAND END OF SEASON OPEN NIGHT
+++Please note that the July 14th date with Trio Threlfall has been
inadvertently missed from our advert in THE FOLK DIARY but we will
definitely be in action that night+++
We are closed during August but we will be back in the autumn with
SEPTEMBER - "ALL AMERICAN MONTH" with five weeks of top names:-
After that we are looking forward to hearing: -
Michael Marra, Sheila Stewart, Rattle On The Stovepipe (Dave Arthur, Pete
Cooper, Chris Moreton). Oliver Mulligan & Brendan McClinchey, Jon Boden &
John Spiers, Sara Grey & Kieron Means
Our website is at
Those of you with listings/ gig guides etc. are asked kindly to include
these dates amongst them.
This has just been updated with listings of many folk song and dance events
and around Sussex between now and the end of May. There are around 100
folk song and dance events listed on the site including Summer festivals.
You can find it at
Most of the listings on the Sussex Folk Guide website are taken from the
paper magazine, THE FOLK DIARY Issue no 213 covers the months of June and
July and this is now available. It is packed with adverts for various folk
festivals, folk music record companies, specialist shops, instrument makers
and other services as well as pages of reviews of new folk
music albums. To obtain copies of this free magazine as it is published,
please send SAE's to Vic Smith at the address below. It is also the address
to send album review copies to. The copy date for the August/September issue
is nearly upon us - June 30th. Potential advertisers are also asked to
contact Vic for a
statement of our advertising rates.
THE FOLK DIARY is now available on-line. The magazine started out as the
BRIGHTON FOLK DIARY more than thirty years ago before becoming the SUSSEX
FOLK DIARY and eventually adopting its present title as its editorial area
it covers grew. Throughout its long history the free magazine has been
edited by JIM MARSHALL & VIC SMITH. The magazine is available on line. For
some years now, all the listings which THE FOLK DIARY gives has been given
in date order on THE SUSSEX FOLK GUIDE WEBSITE but now, the entire magazine
is available on-line; go to the website for the FOLK AT THE ROYAL OAK, LEWES
and then click on the "Folk Diary"
You will need Adobe ACROBAT READER to read the pages and, frankly, unless
you are on broadband, the page will take too long to download. The size of
each page is given by each page link and the content of each page is
indicated. One advantage of having THE FOLK DIARY on-line is that the
information it contains can be accessed earlier. The issue now on-line is
issue 213 - covering the months of June and July 2005 - Issue no 214
(August/September 2005) will be on-line before it is sent to the printers so
it will be the first place to look for the guide to what is happening
throughout the area. The web counter shows that it is a service that is
already being widely used but we would appreciate any comments you have on
this and the way it has been done.
There has been a great increase in interest during this year in the
multi-media shows with music that we have been involved in devising and
presenting. This year we have presented many more of these this year than in
previous years. These were sometimes developed for our own folk club at the
Royal Oak, but we have been asked to take these to other clubs as well as
folk festivals and the big world beyond the folk scene - literary festivals,
woman's institutes and the like. Already these presentations have been
booked for eight of this season's festivals, including Sidmouth, Whitby,
Fylde and Tenterden mostly more than one at each festival. We have never
previously sought bookings for these shows before now, but we feel now that
we ought at least to say what is
Shirley introduces her very successful book published in 2004 about her
song-collecting trip through the southern states of the USA with Alan Lomax
in 1959 with readings from the book and musical and visual illustrations of
the trip. Shirley shares the presentation with the actor, Pip Barnes.
Shirley shares her great love of English traditional music and song and in
particular her love of the authentic music and song of Sussex. Her talk is
illustrated with songs, music and a multi-media presentation.
Bob is noted one of England's finest traditional singers and has had a busy
year at festivals in England and the USA. However, he also has a great love
of some of the songs that he feels that the song collectors ignored -
"Cockles & Mussels", "Billy Boy", "The Old Rustic Bridge" and so on. His
participatory workshop with images and words on the screen has provided some
great singing occasions.
A long radio interview by Vic Smith from June 1984 with the much missed
great singing Rye fisherman is presented with illustrations and Johnny
singing many fine songs interspersed with his life story
Gordon was one of England's finest and most distinctive singers. This is a
long radio interview with Vic Smith from March 1991 and has Gordon telling
his life stories which he intersperses with many of his fine songs. A slide
show has been devised to illustrate the presentation.
A very lively interview with Bob Copper conducted as long ago as November
1970, after he had finished writing "A Song For Every Season" but before it
was published. A slide show has been devised to illustrate the presentation.
Anyone interested in more details of these shows or of booking one for their
own event should contact Tina at 01273 478124 or email her at
The Saturday daytime instrumental workshops in Lewes organised by Valmai
Goodyear -
(01273) 476757 - continue to attract
increasing support. Their highly successful programme continues with :-
ALISTAIR ANDERSON: English concertina, 2nd. July (Cancellation means that
one place is available again.)
BEN PALEY: Fiddle, 9th. July
CRAIG MORGAN ROBSON: Vocal harmony, 8th. October &
CRAIG MORGAN ROBSON: Ballad forum, 9th. October
WILL DUKE: Tunes of Scan Tester, 19th. November
PETE COE: Northern dance music, all instruments, 3rd December
SUE COE: Appalachian clog dancing, 3rd December (2-5 pm)
We have recorded a second album of this wonderful kora player and singer,
this time a studio album that we will be working on
to release during 2005. We are currently arranging a second British tour
for Sherrifo this autumn and the dates will be posted on his website as they
are arranged. More details as they are finalised in this newsletter and on
his website at
Anyone interested in booking Sherrifo for concert, school workshop, club or
festival (all of which worked very well last September and October) is asked
to contact Vic on
or by phone on (01273) 478124.
Whilst the Royal Oak in Lewes are having their big American month in
September, there will be another leading American, Jerry Epstein, making an
appearance for a one-off revival of the Coppersongs Folk Club at the Central
Club in Peacehaven. Jerry is a very fine performer and has been a long-term
friend of the Coppers having arranged their first visit to the USA in 1994.
More details from John Copper at
...And if you are ever looking for a good barn dance band, look no further
than THE SUSSEX PISTOLS - though you should get in quickly - available dates
for 2005 are being snapped up quickly. Contact Tina on 01273 478124 or email
her at
The band's website is at
Vic Smith
26 Ferrers Road
East Sussex
Tel & Fax:- 01273 478124
Subject: re: live music listings for Canterbury Kent
Hi Beau,
I am soon to begin Live music promotions in Canterbury under the name
'PETSOUND PROMOTIONS' and am confident in saying that I will be
delivering the very best in new live music to the city on a regular
I have at the moment a very impressive list of acts to come down and play
in the coming months and will be kicking it all off with a special warm
up night on Saturday 25th June at KIAD Uni Bar, New Dover Rd, Canterbury
with special guests 'THE PADDINGTONS' - recently supported 'THE
LIBERTINES' on tour and still celebrating recent chart success (top 20)
with their single 'panic attack'.
Ticket prices for the event are as follows; £5advance/£6 on the door/£3
after 11:30pm
Running times for the night are 8pm-2am with 'THE PADDINGTONS' onsateg at
Support comes from a local band, and the 'GET FUNK'D!!!' Dj's will be
rounding the night off until the early hours.
Future events will be held in various venues around the city dependant on
the size of the band in question
Any further details/enquiries to
Many thanks
I'm putting on Darden Smith, fantastic singer/songwriter from Austin,
Texas, at the Ship Theatre, Hollybush Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent on the 20th
of July. Tickets are available from
Info and postal bookings 01732 832452. There's also an excellent
Tickets are£8 and £6 conc.
It would be great if you would list this as its my first go at promoting
and he's a great artist.
Thanks and Best wishes
Michael Clark
0207 452 3375
From: Perry Scott
Subject: Greenpeace concert this summer
Hi Beau,
Do you know of any bands that would be interested in appearing at this
summer's Northbound concert/mini-festival ? We are looking to start the
event around midday-ish on the Saturday with some proper folk music, then
slowly blend it with more Crosby,Stills and Nash type music going into
the early evening and then back to a quiet folk session mid/late evening
around a huge bonfire, inviting anyone that wants to join in (ie. the
other bands and members of the public). Then, on the Sunday, we start
again around midday and continue until about 8pm.
If you can pass this on to anyone you think might be interested, and let
them have my mobile number and ask them to get in touch...
Hope you and some of your crowd can come along ;)
Scott P.
Subject: Folk events
You might like to add to your listing:
Nellie's at the Ivy House, Tonbridge on Monday, 4th July 8 p.m. - Tony &
Jane Petto;
and the Beacon, Monday, 11th July 8 p.m. - Liz Randall and Mick Lynn.
Paul Stepto
Subject: Friday night - plus dedicated Hook fans needed
Quick reminder that this Friday night is our 2 monthly stint at the The
George Inn, Stone Street, Petham. Hook are hosting the evening and will
serenade you into the weekend in our usual quirly manner. See you there.
Saturday 30th July we have a big gig planned at the Hope and Anchor in
Islington. Apparently The Cooper Temple Clause, Hope of the States, The
FutureHeads, Ash and U2 have all played there in the past! Check out the
They want us to bring at least 30 of our most favourite fans
along. We reckon we can do better than that but WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We are prepared to look at hiring a minbus at Jo's expense to ship you
lot up to yell and holler for us. Tickets cost £6, or £4.50 with a flyer
(which we'll even provide for you!) Would you come, would you?
Please let us know by reply, if you would be up for a lift and a night
out in the big smoke and if you want to tell some mates to pop along too
we'd be mighty grateful. Email us back with your details and we will be in
Hear from you soon?
love and hope
Check out
for news mp3s gigs
Subject: Busker's festival, Maidstone: 13 & 14 August 2005
Please would you let everybody know there is a BUSKERS' FESTIVAL being held in Maidstone the weekend of 13th & 14th August; it's being put on by the Maidstone Town Centre Initiative. It's a competition - the buskers will play around the town on Saturday and then there will be six finalists performing in the Hermitage Amphitheatre on Sunday 14th. There are PRIZES which have been donated by several town centre sponsors.
Anybody wishing to take part, please contact Ian Ferguson on 07855 380981.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Sheila Kennedy Ferguson
Dear Beau
I understand you have had a chat with Margaret from the old house at home
about our recent appearence on Simon Evans show.a pity you couldn't get
along to see us at the Sweeps this year.
we are no longer known as sussed
new name is
A new mini cd of a few live songs is being prepared ....
come and see us at the Command House( Chatham) on the 23rd of Sept 9.00
pm or at the launch of the new Maidstone folk club in the post office
social club on the 15th of August
Best wishes
Neil R Wood & Steve Mitchell aka Lapotaire D'Maigne
Subject: gig - July
Dear Beau,
Please could post details of our next gig on your site:
Band: NEROLI - Acoustic based trio, violin and guitars, playing original
indie/rock and folk.
Venue: Chambers (Cafe) Folkestone ( tel. 223333)
Date: Thur 21st July
Time: 9.00 pm
Many thanks,
Kind regards,