KentFolk NewsMay 2002 |
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Look here again soon, have news I hope to have a chance to upload
(but computers dying on me again as well).
Still more computer problems, but a partial gig update, more to
come - done.
Yet more computer problems, but today my hard disk seems to be working -
a partial news update of some really urgent things, lots more to come.
Do check it out. You will also soon find this link on the Links section of KentFolk.
Yet another important item :
Trevor Stephenson has finally managed to find a new venue for his
Folk 'n' Blues Club
This is held on the last Sunday of the month, 8pm,
upstairs above Canterbury Wholefoods, 1 Jewry Lane, Canterbury.
CT1 2RP.
(As always, click on (this new) postcode to get a map.)
Open Stage : ring Trevor on 01227 731 549.
Am looking forward to this, I missed the last one.
Kentish lass
Saskia Tomkins (brilliant fiddle) is
returning to play there soon, with
visiting American traditional and contemporary singer,
musician and songwriter Dana Robinson on Monday May 27th.
8 pm (doors open 7.15). Tickets £6 on the night or £5 in advance,
available from Canterbury Whole Foods.
Tel: 01227 464 623.
And an excellent evening it was too, with an intimate musical view from Dana of the real America. Excellent all acoustic sound, complemented by the wood in this pleasant new venue - do try it - Saskia is promising more music here - it was a real treat to hear her other than in a crowded pub.
On the previous day there is also great fiddle at the Brook Theatre, Chatham,
with Ian Cutler : Slaughterhouse - The Live Concert - Some great names
(15 in all) are playing the album live - Colin Reece, Peter Knight,
Guido Rincon from "Shave the Monkey", Val Cutler,
Hugh Crabtree and Martin from "Feast of Fiddles".
7.30 for 8pm, Tickets £10, 01634 241 108,
or Box Office 01634 338 338, or
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