The 20th Tenterden Folk Festival
Thursday 4th
to Sunday 7th October 2012
Tom and Barbara brown who are guests
at the 20th Tenterden Folk Festival from 4th to 7th
October wrote:
"Short Sharp
Shanties ~ sea songs of a deep-water sailor"
"You may be aware
from articles in the folk press (ED&S, Living Tradition
etc.) and CD reviews
of the Short Sharp Shanties project, which is, as one person said, ?in
my opinion the most significant recording of sea shanties ever
produced'. An accolade indeed!
Now some of those
involved in the recordings are taking the songs on tour - only seven
dates, so if you can get there, don't miss out! And please let as
many of your friends know as possible!
So S&A Projects
and WildGoose Records present:
An extraordinary
international crew of professional singers and musicians, coming
together to perform the songs of one of England's most famous
shantymen. For fifty years John Short of Watchet sailed all over
the world - these are his work songs: songs that told a ribald tale,
gave a commentary on the work in hand, or parodied a current popular
song. These are the songs that kept the crews heaving and hauling
with a will throughout the great days of sail.
If you think all
sea-song groups are the same - think again!
?Top class singing
and playing throughout'
?A massive variety
of arrangement and delivery'
?Rattling good
?A fine piece of
reflective - sometimes more wild'
?As bracing as a
force six out of Finisterre'
Hope we'll catch you
at one of them!"
You can catch the show at Tenterden on Sunday 7th October in
The Tenterden Club from 1.00 p.m.
Just added to
the Festival fringe: "Morris, a life with bells on"
Homewood School with be showing the film "Morris, a life with
bells on" at The Sinden Theatre from 4.30 p.m. on Thursday 4th
October. Food and drink are available from 4.00 p.m. from ?2.50.
This is a fringe event organised by Homewood School to support the
Festival. After the film you will still have time to get to
evening concert with The Acoustic Strawbs. More details should
appear on the school website.
Details of this year's festival can now be found at
Alan Castle
Festival Director

Tom and Barbara Brown

For further details check the school