From: Concert Diary [steve=concert-diary.com_at_mail47_dot_us1_dot_rsgsv_dot_net] on behalf of Concert Diary [steve_at_concert-diary_dot_com]

Sent: 17 November 2011 09:19

Subject: Important Changes at


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Digital marketing has become an important tool in the promotion of live music and we are proud of our contribution since the launch of in October 2000.

The time has come to introduce a minimum charge for each new advertisement. The new minimum charge is One Credit, equivalent to just �1.00 (GBP) and $1.60 (USD), plus Value Added Tax when required. Significant savings can be made if you top-up your account with 20 or more Credits. Unallocated Credits will be stored in your Promoter Account.

Credits can be purchased with a Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal. If you wish to make direct payment from a bank account please open an account with Paypal and use their Direct Debit facility.

An Invoice will be available to download and print after you have purchased your Credits. Please use the Invoice to claim the expense from your employer or organisation. Alternatively your treasurer or accountant can be invited to share administration of your Promoter Account so that he or she can sign in to top-up the Account.

We have recently introduced a report that you can view at any time showing the number of hits your advertisement has received, a "View Report" link will appear on your "My Concerts" page after the advertisement has been published. The data collected for these reports shows that to take full advantage of our service you should submit your advertisement just as soon as you have all the necessary information.  You can submit an advertisement up to one year before the concert date - but please do not submit incomplete information, we take pride in providing our readers with comprehensive listings including ticket prices, a full list of the music to be performed and the names of all soloists.

We do hope you will continue to use to promote your concerts. Your advertisements will also appear in the Concert Diary sections of the websites for Classic FM, BBC Music Magazine and a number of other online destinations.

With kind regards
Steve Smith
Concert Diary Limited

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