From: SEFAN [admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk]
Sent: 23 April 2010 11:12
Subject: SEFAN 2010-04-23_01 EVENTS (3 posts)
Help make the Network EVEN better! Please forward information to anyone you think would be interested.

1. String Theory  Sat 24rd April 1200 - 1500. SUSSEX
2. South East England Bluegrass & Old-Time Music. VARIOUS
3. Bell & Jorrocks session -  25th April. Guest: Peter Collins. KENT


From: Tony Sambrook <tony_at_studioqdesign_dot_com>
Date: 21 April 2010 12:25:59 BDT
Subject: String Theory

String Theory will be performing their 
special brand of 'string-driven swing'

at The Organic Café
Top Road, Sharpthorne, 
West Sussex RH19 4NS

on Saturday 24th April
between 12noon and 3pm

Relax with some great food and great music!


From: "Richard" <richard_at_stjulians_dot_co_dot_uk>
Date: 21 April 2010 11:42:48 BDT
Subject: South East England Bluegrass & Old-Time Music 

To receive Jim Marshall's OnlineCountryUK E-Newsletter, please email him at jimars_at_globalnet_dot_co_dot_uk
Bluegrass & More e-newsletter - from John Sheldon

Please let me know of any other events - richard_at_stjulians_dot_co_dot_uk

Bluegrass on Lynn Butler 8pm on 3rd and 4th Thursdays every month (each repeated 4pm the next day)

Graham Anstee has found a good list of International bluegrass radio shows (on-line) at

Click Here for a list of Regular Sessions

Wed 28 APRIL (last Wednesday of the Month)
Tun.Wells Bluegrass & Acoustic Club  - please note: until further notice, session will be in the 'Blue Room' at the Beacon
The Beacon, Tea Garden Lane, nr Rusthall, Tun.Wells


Begin forwarded message:
From: gavin atkin <gavinatkin_at_yahoo_dot_com>
Date: 21 April 2010 20:57:07 BDT
Subject: Bell & Jorrocks session - this Sunday, 25th April

Time flies like an arrow, they say - and fruit flies like a banana.

It's high time I wrote to everyone to remind you all that we have another of our regular Frittenden session on this coming Sunday, the 25th March. 

This time we're delighted to be able to announce that our featured guest for the evening is our good friend Peter Collins, a many who I was lucky to meet first at a session in the Neptune's Hall at Broadstairs some time in the late 1970s. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've run into him since that time, or how much entertainment he has given us.

Peter's got more songs than any man or woman I know, so expect a varied evening that will mix songs of great hilarity and entertainment with others that are much more thoughtful. 

Don't worry if you're not a singer - the format we follow at Frittenden will ensure plenty of time for playing tunes, dancing and even old-fashioned storytelling if that's your bent.

The Frittenden sessions take place at the Bell & Jorrocks pub at Frittenden, Kent, and start at 8pm and continue until it's time to sing Nellie Dean and say goodnight. They're informal and free, with lots of old fashioned and traditional songs and tunes, and a big emphasis on variety, humour and entertainment generally - as we like to say, if you liked your pub the way it was before the telly and the computer came, this is the event for you.

Gavin and Julie Atkin 

For information see or ring us on 07985 522734.

Penny Allen  -    General Manager
Anthony John Allen - Chair of the Board

Charity registered in England and Wales No: 1111883
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495 registered in Cardiff


89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton,  BN1 7JQ
Tel.  +44 (0)1273 541453