From: SEFAN [admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk]
Sent: 06 January 2010 12:33
Subject: SEFAN 2010-01_06_02 MAKING MUSIC Audience Development workshop - with Tasmin Little!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alice Little <alice_at_makingmusic_dot_org_dot_uk>
Date: 5 January 2010 22:20:37 GMT
Subject: Audience Development workshop - with Tasmin Little!

Making MusicDeveloping Community 
Audiences - with Tasmin Little


Dear all,

With Making Music's Audience Development workshops more popular than ever before, Making Music South East has organised this event to focus on attracting audiences from communities around you.

Tasmin Little's 'Naked Violin' project has brought classical music to hundreds of people who would never otherwise have come to her concerts - and she has agreed to share some of her learning with your group!

In this workshop she will help you to plan a presentation or workshop to take to schools, places of work and community centres, to help you attract new audiences to your events. Content will be appropriate for singers, instrumentalists and promoting groups alike - and for any genre of music.

Date: Thursday 4th February
Time: 7-9pm, please aim to arrive at 6.45
Place: The Long Barn, Norden Farm Arts Centre, Maidenhead, SL6 4PF
Cost: £7 for Making Music members, £22 otherwise. Refreshments will be provided.

Please feel free to bring an instrument as there may be an opportunity to try out new ideas for your own presentations..

For more information and to book your place please contact Alice Little - alice_at_makingmusic_dot__dot_org_dot_uk - 07838 251368.

Alice Little
Regional Development Officer
Making Music South East

Making Music, the National Federation of Music Societies.

A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 308632

Registered Charity in England no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849.

2-4 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3NW.

Tel 020 7422 8280

Penny Allen  -    General Manager
Anthony John Allen - Chair of the Board

Charity registered in England and Wales No: 1111883
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495 registered in Cardiff


89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton,  BN1 7JQ
Tel.  +44 (0)1273 541453