The news items are titled automatically from the email subject line, so it would help if you can make this informative - and if you intend to send items regularly in one month, a date in the subject line in ISO format is a help : i.e. 2006-04-20. Such dates have the advantage that they then automatically sort and display in date order.
Any textual info should be as plain text or html, so it is searchable, not in graphical format. There is no problem with it being in nice fonts/colours, and laid out in a tidy display format, see many examples on the news pages.
Please do not embed graphics or attachments in your email, they are a lot of work to process, to display on the web, and usually take up a lot of web space unless I re-size them.
If you want to include graphics, posters, flyers, etc., find somewhere on
the web that you can upload them to, and then just put a pointer
to this location in the email.
This way people have a choice as to whether to download them or not,
and they then cause me no extra problems.
To read more on how to do this, please see :
Having images, photos, posters and flyers in emails for the web