From: Waterhorse [hq_at_waterhorse_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 25 January 2010 14:20
Subject: Waterhorse at Pizza Express Music Room
Hi, all... and greetings from the Waterhorse crew.

After some time with our boots up, we're usually hitting the ground running at this time of year. However, this year, we've decided to focus on studio work for a while and so we'll be taking a break until the summer when we'll be playing a number of gigs in June. 

Until then, we'll be playing a one-off show in the Music Room at Pizza Express, Maidstone next month on Saturday the 6th of February.

Always a lovely venue to play, we'll be hitting the downbeat from 20:00 and contact details are below.

Hope to see you out there.

All best,
