From: Folk in the Barn [debs_at_folkinthebarn_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 26 January 2010 23:36
Subject: Ticket update and Mushy Peas!
Hi All
There was nothing on the tele, so I thought I'd come and drop you a line with the latest gig news.
Firstly Mawkin:Causley - 14th Feb, Whitstable Playhouse, a great start to sales, with just under 3 weeks to go, a third have sold already, thank you - keep them coming, lets fill the Playhouse for MC. Incidently Mawkin:Causley and ColvinQuarmby are neck and neck finalists in the vote for BEST BAND, in the Talkawhile Forum's Hancock Awards - Nothing to do with ME I Promise!!! (capitals for emphasis, English Teachers!) They've obviously all just caught on to what we've known for years! If you're not coming to Beth NC on Tues 16th Feb, come to Whitstable instead on Sunday 14th and see a fantastic live band, and a pretty amazing support artist too in Billy Irvine. Or come to both if you feel like pushing the boat out - You just have to cheer yourself up in February, keep your spirits up till the Daffodils and lambs arrive.
Well well - has anybody NOT heard Beth Nielsen Chapman on the radio this week? Every time I turn it on I hear her singing or chatting.... Beth and Pat... Beth and Roger... Beth and Claudia WinkleOMGIcantbelieveIactuallysaidthat......Beth and lovely Aled! Did you know - she adores Mushy Peas, but can't make them taste right herself! Luckily some kind listener emailed her the recipe. I might have to ask her for that. What a busy lady she's been, and all to help plug our little gig in Sandwich, that is so good of her, I must remember to thank her by making her an extra special apple crumble. Folk in the Barn apple crumble is now famous throughout the folk world, thanks to Steve Knightley, Chris While, Julie Matthews and Chris Leslie all saying its the best apple crumble they've EVER had. They probably say it to everyone. Well to me that's better than ' By Royal appointment!' Little do they know I get it from M & S. No, just kidding, my butler makes it. One day, when I've caught up, I'll put the recipe on the website, if I can wrestle it from the Butler. Why am I talking about food again? Back to Beth - a fantastic response to her impending visit. The phone has barely stopped ringing with people stunned that she is going to be coming so close, and to such an intimate venue. The rest of the country will be seeing her from enormous auditoria, where she'll be a tiny dot on a distant stage. We Fibbers are so lucky, we get to see her up close, and just down the road! Still some tickets left, but I predict they won't be for long. Who needs a Grand Opera House, we've got St Mary's Church! Tues 16th Feb, Sandwich.
Martyn Joseph - 26th and 27th March. Plenty of gig tickets left at the moment for Friday 26th. Saturday has about 30 left and there are only 3 spaces left on the Saturday afternoon workshop.
Show of Hands - 30th April - still plenty of availability for the Standing/dancing gig at Quarterhouse, Folkestone.
Any Fairport fans out there? Apart from Joe! There must be. If you are and have sorely missed their usual January visit to the Marlowe, Canterbury, you can see them instead at The beautiful Theatre Royal in Margate, next Saturday (30th) All details on the Theatre Royal website
If you can't make that or if even if you can, but still can't get enough of those Fairportians - they will be coming to our Canterbury Cathedral venue - The International Study Centre on Thursday 27th May as part of their Spring Acoustic Tour. More details to follow. Booking for this will open mid Feb after the MC and BNC gigs. But make a note of the date now if you are interested.
Other local gigs - Faversham Folk Club have got 'Alchemy' tomorrow night (27th) and Whitstable have got Alan Prosser on the 4th Feb. Chatham Folk Cellar have got Steve Turner on 2 Feb. Check out their websites for their ongoing progs of excellent artists and booking details.
All FitB booking details as usual on
and if anyone wants to share any apple crumble or mushy peas recipes, please feel free to post them on the guest book.
No-one won the Name the Band competition but a name has been found - The Jigantics! What do you think? Rehearsals start this week, I'll let you know if they're any good. Thanks for all the suggestions, and thanks to all those who offered to put up posters.
Off to bed with Dawn French (her book!)
Seeya soon
Debs Earl
07799 790 738
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