From: Folk in the Barn [debs_at_folkinthebarn_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 18 January 2010 16:17
Subject: FiTB - Beth on the radio!

Hello again - I'm back with a quickie!

Some Beth Nielsen Chapman news that may be of interest...

Her new album 'Back to Love' is BBC Radio 2 - Album of the week this week! And you will be able to hear Beth talking to Pat Marsh tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday) live on BBC Radio Kent at about 2.50pm.
I forgot to mention last mailout, you can also book online at for a small fee, or in the usual way by email and post.

I have Beth and Mawkin:Causley A4 posters available as word docs, if anyone has access to a community or works notice board and thinks neighbours/colleagues would be interested in the concerts, and are happy to print them off for display, let me know and I'll email them to you.

A teaser for fans of the one and only Fairport Convention (Acoustic version) - you might want to put Thursday 27th May in your diaries - more info to follow later!!

Enjoying being able to walk to the postbox to post your tickets out, without the aid of thermals and crampons!


ps thanks for all the band name suggestions - haven't got the right one yet, but keep em coming!

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