This Sunday, and the first Sunday each
month, there will be Hot Club style Jazz at St Julians, Sevenoaks, with Bob
Winquist (violin), Rick Townend & Gill Sands (guitars) and Nick Sands
Other musicians welcome – there will be
opportunity to join in.
Time – 5-7pm (tea & scones etc.
available – also full menu: restaurant is open until 8pm)
Free Entry
To get to St Julians:
from Sevenoaks town centre head S on A225 towards Tonbridge. About a mile from
the town ctr pass the White Hart on the R. Take next L (St Julian Rd) – more
like the left, smaller, fork of a Y. After ¾ mile turn R into St Julians
drive – there is a wood panel fence on the left of the drive as you start going
down. After ¾ mile park by tennis courts : house is L-shaped, entrance in
the angle of the L. Turn left just inside door and follow passage to the
bar and ballroom.
By train: frequent
trains, even on Sundays, from London and many parts of Kent. 10 min taxi
journey from Sevenoaks station.