From: Chris Frank, efolkMusic CEO [chris_at_efolkMusic_dot_org]
Sent: 29 December 2009 21:50
Subject: Human services organization are in dire need...

December 29, 2009
Carrboro, NC 27510
From: efolkMusic Inc

Dear friends,

Hope your holidays have been well "spent" but not over-spent. If you are reading this, you've just about made it through a tumultuous decade, congratulations! Before you get too giddy at the thought, though, consider these bullet-bites regarding charitable giving in the US:

  • Two-thirds of public charities receiving donations saw decreases in 2008.
  • Charitable giving fell last year by the largest percentage in five decades, according to a new study by the Giving USA Foundation
  • Among organizations working to meet people’s basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, etc.), more than half said they are under funded or severely under funded for 2009.

You get the point. SO if you are not TOTALLY spent, please consider giving to the nonprofit of your choice. And as important as the arts are, food, shelter and clothing come first- if you have dollars to give, I hope you will help a human services organization.

That said, if you can spare any change, don't forget the musicians, we thank you. Support live music (and the increasingly ubiquitous tip-jar, make it your friend...), buy music directly from the artist when you can, and if you still have a few pennies left, we're right here, a 501(c)(3) organization, the only nonprofit we know of dedicated to supporting this "endangered" art form, doing what we can to "pick it up and carry it on...".

Our mission is now and has always been to get as much good music into your ears as we possibly can- we thank you for ten years of support, and we look forward to serving you and our artists in the new decade.

Happy New Decade,

Chris Frank
efolkMusic Founder and CEO

"California is a garden of Eden, a paradise to live in or see, But believe it or not, you won't find it so hot If you ain't got the do re mi" - Woody Guthrie Woody

Woody reminds us that there is no free lunch, especially for folk singers and nonprofits.   If you care about independent music, please consider helping out this nonprofit with a tax deductible donation / membership.

Join now at the $30 level or greater, get a year of access to our 1400-song "member mp3 library" plus we'll send you a 100-song CD/MP3 sampler to get you started. Enjoy the benefits and help us "pick it up and carry it on...".   Click here now, as they say...

Help End the Recession: Support the Arts:
1) Inspiration 2) Perspiration 3) Recovery

efolkMusic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

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Our postal address is
101 Evans Ct
Carrboro, North Carolina 27510
United States