January 13,
Newsletter #127
Hello from Ariel!
In This Week's Issue:
- Where’s Ariel?
Farmland" by Minster Hill
- FEATURE INTERVIEW: Rodrigo De Sa of the
Cowyboy Cantor Podcast
How To Create A Grand
Slam Music Marketing Plan
Co-sponsored by
NARIP & The Music & Media Entertainment
Thursday, January 21, 2010 6:00
p.m. at Fordham University (Lincoln Center) in New
York, NY
$20 for members $40 Non
Speaking &
Book Signing in Los Angeles at The NAMM Convention
- Jan 14-17, 2010 (ADD NAMM LOGO HERE) Same
logo as last week Saturday January 16 - NAMM
Convention 1:30- 3:30 PM - NAMM Hot Zone,
Anaheim Convention Center, Room 204B 800 West
Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802 Panel:
Building a buzz and selling your music online:
How to make the most of today’s internet music
landscape (and double your sales in the
process). With Bob Baker (The Buzz Factor),
Michael Laskow (CEO of Taxi), moderated by Tony
van Veen, CEO, Disc Makers / CD Baby
Signing: I will be signing books at the SPARS
(Society of Professional Audio Recording Services)
booth throughout NAMM - More details coming in the
next newsletter!

Chad Hollister
– Burlington, VT Genre:
Pop, Rock, Funk, Acoustic, Folk, Soft
Rock, Indie-Pop http://www.arielpublicity.net/clients/2680
Chad Hollister has opened for Bob Dylan, Paul
Simon and Tom Petty, and in the fall of 2009 he
released Chad Hollister, his fourth CD. The
self-titled disc was produced by Anthony J. Resta
(Elton John, Collective Soul, Shawn
Mullins). Hollister’s musical style shines
original with his percussive background. His
personal lyrics are appreciative of a life on
Mother Earth and his music is “pure sonic
alchemy,â€ð according to Resta. Congrats to Chad who
was just voted #1 in the Indie-Music Top 25 List
of 2010!

"Siberian Farmland" by
Hill Genre: Powerpop,
Rock, Rock-Pop www.arielpublicity.net/clients/2597
Ten years is a
long time to wait for anything. But that’s exactly
how long fans of New Jersey based rock outfit
Minster Hill have been clamoring for a follow up
to their critically acclaimed self titled
Capturing Clouds in a Bottle,
Minster Hill's new released sophomore disc
features a completely different sound than what
fans are used to. The surreal imagery and
insightfully sarcastic lyrics remain but the folk
influenced sound that dominated their debut has
been replaced by a decidedly more polished power
pop/rock sound.


Featured Blog: The
Buzz http://gighive.com/the-buzz/ The
Buzz features: Artist Feature Articles, Music
Video Features, Band Features, Event Listings,
Interviews, Music News Articles, Reviews, Music
Tech News for Artists to Stay Up on Technological
things that will help their careers, Music Videos,
How to Promote Yourself as an Indie Artist &
how to create a successful indie music career,
buzz artist features, indie websites, featured
artist websites, classified listings, user forum
This is a news and indie artist blog featuring
artists from the independent music community
across the board.
Podcast: Sundown
Lounge Podcast http://www.larrywinfield.com/sundownlounge.htm
Sundown Lounge is a laid back
(and often explicit, you bet your ass...) weekly
podzine of music, spoken word, progressive
politics, weird science, and occasional vignettes
from the west coast open mic scene, etc.
Physically, I'm in rapidly gentrifying downtown
Los Angeles, but metaphysically, my toes are in
the sand and the sun is ablaze with deep hues, and
a few poets and musicians and scientists have
dropped by my beach house to hang out and jam, as
the surf whispers nearby...
Station: Get Social
Radio http://getsocialradio.com
Get Social! Radio is a talk radio podcast that
has grown into a 7x24x365 radio on Shoutcast and
audio blogsite. Seeking high quality 128bit music
to intertwine between their scheduled talk, sports
and entertainment content. Looking for
Alternative, Jazz and New Age music primarily
however they are currently even programming
feature blocks of Country and Rap/Hip-Hop,
primarily from local artists (Ohio region) Their
listenership is primarily in the upper Midwest,
however they have a strong following in New York,
Florida and Arizona.

New Media Pioneer Rodrigo De Sa
of the Cowyboy Cantor
http://cbcantor.blogspot.com/ http://www.myspace.com/cowboycantor
Cowboy Cantor is a podcast run by a Portuguese
music teacher. Its the only podcast around the
island of S. Miguel, in the Azores islands,
Portugal. The show's aim is to share the greatest
free mp3s found on the Internet, in the artist's
own sites, their label sites, or in many other mp3
sites that offer free music. It's all done with
love and in the name of independent music.
Q) What can artists do to make
money on the internet?
A) A lot of different things
have been happening on the Internet with music.
From stores with d.r.m. files, to free music. From
the Creative Commons to pay what you want. From
file sharing on chats to illegal peer to peer
clients. Everyday we meet new ways of promoting
music and selling it. It is fact, legal or
illegal, Internet is the most effective way of
getting an artist to be known. Labels and artists
should keep that in mind and work with it. F.M.
and A.M. radios, television, newspapers and
magazines still have a word to say on this
process, but Internet is vital these days for
music promotion.
One can not tell what will
happen next, but I believe artists, labels,
agencies and all music companies will keep on
working in how to get the most benefit of the
Internet. Q) Where do you
see the next trend in social media? What is the
next "What are you doing?"
A) While some artists only
release their music in digital format, some
artists still prefer having hard releases of their
music. There are even artists that are coming back
to the vinyl L.P.’s. It is difficult to know
exactly how the social media trend will be in a
near future. Some artists still ask for a postal
address to send their music on physical formats,
others ask for the e-mail address to send mp3.
Instant messaging software is used in some cases.
While some people start using new ways of trading
music and files over the Internet, others still go
for the traditional. There will always be
different ways of sharing music. Obviously e-mail
and on-line file hosting is the most effective and
fast. But if we want quality, get
With on-line conversation getting
easier and easier, and more common each day, and
with the possibility of having no frontiers in
what concerns distance, some day I will receive an
e-mail from an Australian artist asking “what will
you do tomorrow 6 p.m? Is it a good time for an
interview?â€ð The problem is that 6 p.m. in
Australia is 6 a.m. in the Azores islands. “What
are you doing?â€ð is a question with lots of
possibilities. The easiness of communication will
lead us to have our regular schedules changed, so
that we can follow a friend on the other side of
the world. Q) What
inspired you to start you podcast? Is that still
your source of motivation?
A) First of all, the obvious
love for radio and communication. Then, the wish
of discovering and sharing new and independent
sounds. Major label artists have their own way of
promoting their music. They have contracts that
involve money in promoting their music on
mainstream radios and television. Local radio
stations don’t promote new music, only major label
artists. That is not wrong, as there are lots of
major label artists that are my favourites. But
independent music has greater artists to discover,
then some artists that are played on local radios
here. Promoting new music doesn’t mean only
playing seven times a day, for three of four
months, songs from the new album of Bob Dylan, one
of the greatest composers and poem writers of all
time, but playing international new hits and also
new artists.
Because most major label
artists don’t write their own music, and when they
write, they have to submit the music to be
reviewed by the label, I look for artists that
compose and sing in the way they want. I look for
artists that don’t have to write 25 songs in two
years. I look for artists that create music as
they feel like creating it, and not imposed by
editors, producers and managers.
Cantor started as a podcast for independent
artists, and still is a place to listen to good
independent music. The quality of this podcast is
not the way I produce each show, or set the
playlist for each week. The quality of this show
depends on independent music that I found. Each
week I found new fantastic artists, and that gives
me more and more motivation for recording each
Sunday night a new show, to be launched during the
evening, and giving my listeners every Monday the
finest 7 track selection of independent
Watching the podcast’s statistics,
and the subscriber’s lists, I am very proud of my
little Internet place. Maybe small numbers,
comparing to the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast on
iTunes, but they are growing. My students also
come to me from time to time and make some nice
comments about the music I play. Also, the recent
entry on the Association of Music Podcasting and
on the iTunes podcast directory, gives me more
motivation to keep on doing Cowboy Cantor as it
is. Q) What are some
things that bands can do to get your attention? Do
you ever cover a band that you are not
particularly fond of?
A) I am listening to M.T.V. at
the moment. I stopped because I was listening to
the new song of Franz Ferdinand. I looked to the
television and I saw a different band name. It is
not Franz Ferdinand, is another band that sounds
exactly like them. That is the problem of the
majority of mainstream music today. Everything
sounds like what listened before and will listen
For Cowboy Cantor I search for
artists with new ideas, that don’t sound to
similar to what we listen on mainstream radios and
television. The music I play is the music I like
to listen to. I never play music that I don’t
like, even if I know some of my listeners
I play mainly rock and indie rock. If
we consider Cyber P.R. artists that I have been
featuring these last months, we will see that I
play different styles of music. Recently I played
Dare Dukes, 46Bliss, Clara Bellino, Lisa Bianco,
Officer Roseland, Puppetbox, Chrissy McChouglin,
amongst others. I still have to play Omar
Alexander, Doug Cash, Spy For Hire, and recently I
have added to my playlist Jessie Murphy In The
Lyrics have an important part on the
quality of the song to be played on my podcast.
Take Sorry Simon, by Jonny Dongel, a pure rock n’
roll song. It goes “I won’t fall for your ploy,
for your sick and twisted joy, I know I’ not your
idol, Sorry Simonâ€ð. This is about Simon from
American Idol, and the way he talks about the way
people sing. Then there is this song Prime
Numbers, by The Two Gentlemen Band, a mix of
country and rag time music. Some girl has prime
numbers on her body measurements, and the lyrics
go “My baby’s got prime numbers. That means she’s
only divisible be one, and that one is gonna be
meâ€ð. A part from the lyrics, the music must have
intensity, suspense, different parts, changes of
sound intensity and rhythm, and if it holds me for
the initial 60 seconds, and makes me want to
listen to the song again, I will play it on my
podcast. It doesn’t matter if the keyboard sounds
like Coldplay, or the guitar like U2. As long as
it has energy and the artist own touch, it is a
potential song for Cowboy Cantor.
I record
each show of my podcast sitting on a chair, but
most of the time I feel like recording it jumping
and dancing in the room. The majority of the music
I play, even slow music, makes me want to be
traveling around the room, feeling the music on
each movement of my body. That is one thing I look
for on a song. It has to make me want to
I started my podcast back in January
2006. That time I played tracks with two or tree
years old. Today I still listen to some songs I
played in 2006 and it still feels like a recent
song. That is because the artist was not looking
for a song that sounded like the hits of that
time, but was looking for a unique sound, not
found on anywhere else.
Besides the musical
requirements, there are the legal questions. I
only play songs under the Creative Commons License
or podsafe music. Even if I download a track from
a podsafe site, like Ariel Publicity, I try to
contact the artists to let them know that I intent
to play their music. Before playing the tracks I
refer to, I wait for an answer from the artist,
manager or label. I do everything in the maximum
security, just to ensure that I am playing legal
music. Also, having a small answer, even if it is
“yes, go for itâ€ð, shows some respect for
podcasting and interest on having their music
played on podcasts. I have so many great tracks on
my waiting folder that I haven’t played yet,
because I haven’t got any answer from the artist,
label or manager. And of course, I don’t play
major label artists. Only independent or artists
with no label.
If I have enough songs of
the artist, on CD or mp3, and I really like it,
this artist is selected to be the artist of the
month on my podcast. That means at least one, if
enough tracks available, two tracks played on each
show during the month.
My musical horizons
are wide open. I listen to a lot of different
style of music, I may play a song that doesn’t fit
the usual style of music that I play, but I never
play a song that I don’t find anything on it
interesting. For example, because I did an
interview to a local heavy-metal drummer, and we
talked about Ahab, a doom metal band, I contacted
the band to see if I could play the track The
Hunt. That is not obviously the style of music I
play on Cowboy Cantor, and not the kind of music I
listen to everyday, but that song was very intense
and dramatic. It was a nice experience I
did. Q) Will major labels
ever be the “gatekeepersâ€ð again? Can they somehow
return to prominence?
A) As long as radio,
television, music magazines keep on preferring
major label artists, instead of promoting some
great independent artists, major labels will
always be in the top. Illegal sharing communities
may not bring any money benefit to labels
directly, but having some tracks on a peer-to-peer
community will certainly help to promote the
artists, and of course the label. As the most
Internet users still log in to illegal sharing
applications, instead of listening to independent
podcasts and podsafe music, major labels will
always be the top labels. I will be very surprised
if I log in to a file sharing application, and
after searching for Puppetbox, I get thousands of
files, as if I was looking for the new Green Day
album. Independent artists and labels still not
have a place on the majority of music communities.
However, Internet radios and podcasts have been
helping independent artists and labels to get
noticed. In Portugal, for example, this year will
have some artists that we can find at IODA
Promonet, or Podsafe Music Network, performing at
some major music festivals.
I believe that
independent podcasts have a word to say on
promoting independent artists. Unfortunately some
artists don’t recognize the effort we do. When I
ask permission to play a track, I don’t expect a
thank you message. I just expect a “yesâ€ð.
Podcasting a track is good for the podcast,
because it gives quality to the show, and good for
the artist, because the show will add some more
listeners to the artist.
Ariel Hyatt is the founder of Ariel Publicity
& Cyber PR, a digital public relations firm
that connects clients to the new media including
blogs, podcasts, Internet radio stations and
social networking sites. Over the past 13 years
she has represented over 1,435 musicians and
Educating musicians is her passion and several
times a year, she leads workshops teaching her
strategy of combining social networking with
Internet marketing to help clients grow larger
fanbases and earn more money.
The Second Edition of Music Success in Nine
Weeks is now available and has helped hundreds of
musicians navigate the new music marketing
landscape. "Sound Advice," her bi-weekly ezine and
Internet TV series currently reaches an audience
of over 20,000 music professionals. She is a
contributing blogger for Music Think Tank, and
Know The Music Biz.
Sign Up here: http://www.arielpublicity.com
Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR 389 12th
Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 http://www.arielpublicity.com http://www.bandletter.com http://www.myspace.com/ArielPublicityNY http://www.twitter.com/cyberpr
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