From: michael wheeler [boxsmwrc_at_btinternet_dot_com]
Sent: 07 February 2009 20:47
Subject: Pubs
Hi Beau, have you heard about the Governments proposed "Code of Practise" for pubs. According to Jonathan Neame from Sheps Brewery the new code will cost pubs a further £1,000 a year. (Thats a grand per pub per year) a really big problem that comes out of this new code is that all bar staff would need to undergo compulsory training. In a  single stroke this will end the casual labour element of bar work where students and all sorts of people have earnt the the extra few shillings in the evening and at weekends on an ad hoc basis.
Since 1997 brewers and pubs have been subjected to 300 pages of regulations, taxes have gone up 18% in the last 6 months which has meant in most pubs 7 pence a pint. Most of this combined nonsense has been on the pretext of stopping binge drinking when anyone with half a brain knows that the problem lies with supermarkets selling Alcohol.
Please try to get your viewers to log onto and register thier complaint.
Best Wishes Mike  (Wheeler)