From: Walthamstow Folk Club [membership_at_walthamstowfolk_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 03 January 2010 10:27
Subject: Walthamstow Folk - reminder
Just to remind you that tonight (Sun 3rd Jan) we open the 2010 season at Walthamstow Folk with the legendary Dave Swarbrick

Admission is pay at the door (£8) so please arrive early, doors will open to the club room around 7.30 (soudchecks etc permitting)

More deatils and more of the excellent guest list for 2010 is at

Hope to see you tonight, or soon

There have been some difficulties with mail outs due to changing PCs and having to recreate the email list etc. We believe that all is now OK but let us know if this has been received where it is not required.