From: Maxine Spindler [mspindler_at_fsmail_dot_net]
Sent: 08 November 2009 17:52
Subject: Listings for Fversham Folk Club Dec-Feb


Please find enclosed the listings for Faversham Folk Club for December, January and February. Please note that The Country Counts are now performing on December 16th and not the 9th December as previously stated.

I hope that you can give us come publicity.

Kind Regards,

Maxine Spindler

Publicity Officer




Wednesday 2 December 8.30pm

The Chimney Boy,

Preston Street, Faversham

Peggy &PJ

Fairport’s Dave Pegg and Little Johnny England’s PJ Wright have joined forces in a stellar partnership.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry: £8 for members/ £9 for non-members



Wednesday 16th December 8.30pm

The Chimney Boy,

Preston Street, Faversham


A veritable supergroup of local musicians, featuring the talents of Alan Prosser (Oysterband), Sue Hudson (ex Small Town Romance) and many others including some BBC Folk Award winners. Miss it at your peril.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry: £7 for members / £8 for non-members


Faversham Folk Club Listings January 2010


Wednesday 13th January

The Chimney Boy,

Preston Street, Faversham

Eddie Walker

An excellent musician and singer who performs blues, rag and hillbilly songs from the North East Delta.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry: £7 for members/ £8 for non-members




Wednesday 27th January

The Chimney Boy

Preston Street, Faversham.


The fabulous local duo, Capella has joined forces with the wonderful rich voiced Mike Nicholson to form alchemy.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry : £6 for members/ £7 for non-members





Wednesday 10th February

The Chimney Boy,

Preston Street, Faversham

Ashley Hutchings and Ken Nicol

It will be a real unmissable treat to be able to see these two folk legends playing in a small folk club.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry: £8 for members/ £9 for non-members




Wednesday 17th February

The Chimney Boy

Preston Street, Faversham.

Anthony John Clarke

A man who writes intelligent beautiful lyrics with exquisite melodies. It will be a truly enchanting evening.

Tel: 01795 536857

Entry: £5 for members/ £6 for non-members