From: Jerry O'Reilly [aandjoreilly_at_gmail_dot_com]
Sent: 29 August 2009 17:13
Subject: 2009 Frank Harte Festival

Attachments: Frank Harte Festival 2009 Programme.doc
Hi All,
Just a last reminder to anyone intending coming to this years festival, particularly anyone from overseas.  If you intend coming, can you let me know, so that tickets for the Grand Concert can be put aside for you.  I'd hate someone to take the bother of travelling and then not to be able to attend the Concert.  Attached is the programme in Word format.
Jerry O'Reilly

Anne and Jerry O'Reilly,
6 The Orchard,
Dublin 20.
Ph:   0035316267589
Mob: 00353868161557
e-mail: aandjoreilly_at_gmail_dot_com