From: Richard Townend [richard_at_stjulians_dot_co_dot_uk]
Sent: 01 February 2008 08:14
Subject: Hot Club Jazz at St Julians, Sevenoaks

This Sunday, and the first Sunday each month, there will be Hot Club style Jazz at St Julians, Sevenoaks, with Bob Winquist (violin), Rick Townend & Gill Sands (guitars) and Nick Sands (bass)

Other musicians welcome – there will be opportunity to join in.


Time – 5-7pm (tea & scones etc. available – also full menu: restaurant is open until 8pm)


Free Entry


To get to St Julians:  from Sevenoaks town centre head S on A225 towards Tonbridge. About a mile from the town ctr pass the White Hart on the R. Take next L (St Julian Rd) – more like the left, smaller, fork of a Y.  After ¾ mile turn R into St Julians drive – there is a wood panel fence on the left of the drive as you start going down.  After ¾ mile park by tennis courts : house is L-shaped, entrance in the angle of the L.  Turn left just inside door and follow passage to the bar and ballroom.


By train:  frequent trains, even on Sundays, from London and many parts of Kent.  10 min taxi journey from Sevenoaks station.