From: SEFAN [admin_at_sefan_dot_org_dot_uk]
Sent: 19 July 2009 17:05
Subject: SEFAN 2009-07_19_01 Making Music Board and CPC - Call for nominations by July 31st

Begin forwarded message:

From: Making Music <robin_at_makingmusic_dot_org_dot_uk>
Date: 17 July 2009 16:33:20 BDT
Subject:  Making Music Board and CPC - Call for nominations by July 31st

Making Music                   Call for nominations

Making Music is actively seeking new Board members. Do you know someone who might be able to provide just the right mix of skills and experience that we are looking for, in return for the opportunity to contribute to the vision and strategy for Making Music as we prepare our next organisational plan?

Being a Director of the National Federation of Music Societies involves a significant commitment but it can be an extremely rewarding and fun experience too.  Board members invariably learn new skills as a result of their involvement, and generally make a good number of new friends along the way.

Two of our Directors retire by rotation this year but are eligible for re-election and have indicated their willingness to stand again. We have one further vacancy, specified as having particular responsibility for fundraising and development activities.

Results of elections will be announced at our forthcoming AGM in Leeds on 5 September 2009.

Please download full information about what is involved and how to nominate someone for one of these vacancies by clicking here. Interested parties are invited to speak with me in the first instance, by calling the number below or emailing robin_at_makingmusic_dot_org_dot_uk.

Our Concert Promoters’ Committee (CPC) is also seeking new members for nomination. The CPC plays a vital role in supporting Making Music's 400-strong membership of promoting organisations, and is looking to appoint critical positions of Chair and Newsletter Editor. Please click here to read about what is involved and how to nominate.

All best wishes

Robin Osterley
Chief Executive, Making Music

Making Music, the National Federation of Music Societies

2-4 Great Eastern Street, London EC2A 3NW. Tel 020 7422 8280

A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 308632 Registered Charity in England no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849.


Penny Allen  -    General Manager
Anthony John Allen - Chair of the Board

Charity registered in England and Wales No: 1111883
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 5114495 registered in Cardiff


89 Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton,  BN1 7JQ
Tel.  +44 (0)1273 541453