From: English Folk Dance and Song Society <efdss_at_efdss_dot_pmailuk_dot_com>Date: 19 June 2009 18:10:16 BDTSubject: July at Cecil Sharp House and beyond
Sent by: English Folk Dance and Song Society
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19 June 2009
What's On at Cecil Sharp House and beyond this July from the English Folk Dance and Song Society...
For a full July What's On listing please click here
Saturday 27 June
Take 6 Concert - Tickets still available!
3 - 5pm, £8 from www.wegottickets.comOver the past 18 months the EFDSS has undertaken a mammoth project to make available on the Web six song collections from its Vaughan Williams Memorial Library archive, and run schools and community projects in Hampshire, Lancashire and London using these materials.
On Saturday 27 June we celebrate this project and the collections that inspired it with a concert featuring Andy Turner, Tim Laycock, Craig Morgan Robson, The Askew Sisters and the Adderbury Village Morris Men and narrated by Shirley Collins and Tim Laycock.
A pre-concert talk on George Gardiner by Bob Askew (1pm) and the launch of The Axford Project CD by Craig Morgan Robson and The Askew Sisters will also take place on the day.
To buy tickets for this event please click here
Friday 3 July & Saturday 4 July
New Wave: University of Newcastle Graduates
Fri: 8pm, Sat: From 10.30amNewcastle University and EFDSS are proud to present the New Wave of folk musicians, featuring undergraduates, graduates and tutors from the prestigious Folk and Traditional Music degree.
Join us for concerts, workshops, dance, music, lectures, presentations and storytelling on Friday 3 July & Saturday 4 July from the University that brought you Jim Causley, Nancy Kerr, James Fagan and many more.
A full programme of events is available by clicking here
To buy tickets for this event please click here
Thursday 9 July / Friday 10 July - end of August
New Work from Sarah Foque & James Johnson-Perkins
6.30 - 8.30pm, free, private viewThis exhibition showcases colourful new work from Sarah Foque & James Johnson-Perkins. Both artists' work is site specific and utilises intense colours in its execution. Sarah Foque creates installations with straight bands of colour, responding to a site's history and people's movement through it. James Johnson-Perkins uses references to popular culture of the 1980s to create works of play and nostalgia. His installation at Cecil Sharp House will span all four storeys of the building through the centre of the staircase, whilst Sarah Foque's multi-coloured lines will be immediately viewable from the main entrance.
The English Folk Dance and Song Society cordially invites you to the private view on Thursday 9 July, 6.30 - 8.30pm.
Opens to the public Friday 10 July, Tues - Sat, 10am - 5pm, Free Entry
Friday 10th - Sunday 12th July
EFDSS at Furness Tradition Festival annual Furness Tradition Festival takes place in and around the centre of the old Market town of Ulverston and where Alan Bell will present a talk on the Anne Gilchrist collection as part of our Take 6 collection.
Sunday 12 July
Family Dance!
3 - 5pm, Child £5, Adult £1 (Tickets available on the door only)The English Folk Dance and Song Society is delighted to present another Family Dance! as part of our vibrant Family Friendly programme of monthly events at Cecil Sharp House.
Join in with lively barn or 'ceilidh' social dancing from the British Isles. Live music is provided from the Black Pig Band with instructions for all dances coming from friendly 'caller' Jane Pfaff. Absolutely no previous experience needed! This is an event for children of all ages and their parents, carers and families. / info_at_efdss_dot_org / 020 7485 2206Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, Camden Town, London NW1 7AY
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