From: David Pleasants
Sent: 23 June 2009 03:42
Subject: GUESTS JUL - NOV 09, GUESTS 2010 &
Hi Folks,
The guest and club nights poster is attached for your reference.
Malcolm, would you be kind enough to print two colour copies for the club
I haven't booked a guest for December or January and, unless I receive
strong urging to change that from more than one club member, I don't intend to
do so.
For next year I have booked so far: 18 Feb, Norah Rendell and Brian Miller,
this recently married duo are a tremendous collective talent and thoroughly nice
people whom I met in Victoria on Vancouver Island last year, they will be doing
mostly traditional Irish which they have both studied in Ireland; 18 Mar, Dick
Miles, a regular on the maritime scene; 15 Apr, LocTup Together, Chris and Ian's
debut at The Drum, but we had two marvellous nights with them in White Hart
days; 13 May, Geoff Higginbottom will be back for his usual thoroughly enjoyable
visit and 17 Jun, Roy Clinging.
I am also trying to get Pint & Dale back mid year if I can, having
missed a very good night with them in Feb this year, and I still have hopes of
getting Nancy Kerr & James Fagan at some point and Cloudstreet in
If anyone has a particular wish to have a guest of their choice appear,
please let me know.
A reminder also that new membership starts as at 1 Jul 09. We have
had twenty membership renewals so far.
Don't forget to let me know if you want a set on Thursday.
Best regards