From: "Sian Phillips" [info_at_fiddlefestivalofwales_dot_org_dot_uk]
Sent: 26 April 2009 10:25
Subject: new look website

Hi All,
if you've got a moment, please can you visit should you wish to be kept up to date using a spam free system - please add your name to the mailing list.
The site has some missing content - but i'm working on it - and have been since starting it on Thursday (so that's what resting musicians do!)
If you have any good photos from last year that you think might be good for the gallery - please send some with a caption and who the photographer was.
I really appreciate any feedback - yes i could have a Welsh site as well - but if anyone is prepared to do ALL the translation in the next week - that's fine too ;-)
many thanks in advance
