efolkMusic News, Vol 9, #8 -
5.19.2009 The Hard Times Edition, patience and perseverance... |
Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable. - George Bernard Shaw
Nonprofit organizations always suffer in an economic "downturn", and arts NPOs are especially vulnerable. The music business has turned upside-down in the 10 years since we started efolkMusic, and now, more than ever, folk music and musicians need the support of the community. Please consider a donation or membership to help us continue to grow this resource for musicians and fans.
Ponder this: there's a new website, littlesis.org, another offshoot from the MySpace/Facebook phenomena- it's an "Involuntary Facebook", the very next thing if ever there was one, thought-provoking and sure to spawn a slew of sites. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg described his website way back in 2006: "A lot of companies get grouped as social networking, lots are dating sites, or media sites or sites for community. But our mission is helping people understand the world around them."
efolkMusic is like an invitation MySpace for folk and Americana musicians- we are a social networking and media site, to be sure, with a goal to help people understand the "musical world" around them- please help us if you care about this too-often overlooked and "endangered" art form.
Carrying it on...
upgrade- Folk
Radio Show Database: This resource area has just been completely
revamped, a "web 2.0" interface with better "usability" (like the improved
search) for fans and an easy to use add/edit show interface for DJs. Go
there now... (DJs- add
your show! )
Site upgrade- Folk Festival Database: Like the folk radio area, this is an all new interface. One of the most visited sections of the site, our festival list is large and growing. Find a fest wherever you are, there's one near you this weekend, get out of the house and hear some live music!!! Go there now... (Festival administrators - add your festival!)
Free tracks via RSS: Subscribe to the free
of the Week" and "Featured
Artist" RSS feeds, get full length high-quality DRM-free MP3s delivered
automatically to your desktop media player (iTunes, RealPlayer, etc.) and your
portable MP3 player. This is a great way to find new music, get a song a week-
try it out, you can unsubscribe at any time
More RSS: New Releases, News of Note and Folk Music News Available on the site and via RSS, get a nice list of the latest folk music releases delivered to your RSS reader, or try our own news team posts of folk music-related links "News of Note" or our syndicated feed from the "major media" outlets.
News of Note...
Kim Ruehl runs the folk music area for About.com and post lots of good info. Kim's a musician based in Seattle and splits her time between playing music at every opportunity, and her job as a freelance music reporter. For this "hard times" issue, we point you to her list of the "Best American folk songs about hard economic times". Songs from the great depression and more recent "downturns", these are all classics- we're on the lookout for contemporary songs on the topic, where the heck are they???
The Danish Peace Academy/ Greenham Common Peace Camps Songbooks: You're saying, huh?? What's this? Well, it's a really amazing resource developed by Holger Terp, a Danish librarian, with an online-reprint of the Greenham Common songbook, an interesting collection of real folk music, including songs such as " Brazen Hussies", "Strangest Dream" and "The Waters of Babylon" . This is an example of how the internet is helping to "save" folk music, one song at a time, keeping them alive and passing them on. Peace, brother!
Last pitch, c'mon!!
We don't need a bailout, just a little love from our fans - if you can, help out. Supporters of efolkMusic get our 100 song efm MP3/CD Sampler Vol 4 with a supporting annual donation or subscription. All members get free access to our "member download" library, over 1200 full length, stereo MP3s, all you can eat, buffet-style! Or help out with a monthly membership, just $3.95 /month Tell me more... |
Website Sponsor Sponsorships Available for Corporate and Individual Donations Sponsorship is a great way to support folk music and show off your company's positive community involvement. Please write for more information |
Artists: Interested in getting your music into more ears? efolkMusic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports folk musicians through our website. There is NO CHARGE to artists for inclusion on our roster- click here for more info.
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