From: efolkMusic CEO Chris Frank [news_at_efolkmusic_dot_org]
Sent: 24 January 2009 23:01
Subject: EfolkMusic is Moving

You are receiving this email because you currently or in the past have supported efolkmusic. If you are not interested in supporting folk music via our nonprofit, sorry for the intrusion. Read no more, hit 'delete'.

Jan 24, 2009 >>>> Carrboro, NC, USA >>>>>

Dear ,

Depression is supposed to be good for folk music, but recession..... I don't know. We'd like to think of the "slowdown" as but a temporary lull- our plan is to gear up now for the turnaround.  With your help we can keep growing this organization, as the need has seldom been greater. Here's what we are doing with our "spare time" towards that end: We are building a new website and moving to a new server on February 15, from our creaky Microsoft platform to an all-new open-source Linux website (where we should have been all along!!!). Our address will remain, and we continue to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

The new site will be what they call "W3C Compliant", meaning that it meets standards for accessibility, usability and search engine friendliness. In short, it will work the way you expect it to under most situations, whatever browser or operating system you are using. The code is written as to be "machine firendly", for sight impaired users, and not coincidentally, search-engine robots (which are "blind" for all practical purposes)..

We hope the transition will be easy and seamless, but we'd be idiots to think it will be that way. Thanks in advance for your patience- the new site will be fully functional (it already is, if you want to take in a work in progress: ), but all content from the "old" site won't migrate immediately- we expect completion by May 1.

If you are currently a supporting member, your login and access will be moved to the new site. There will be a members FAQ page on the new site with more information about changes in terms and subscriptions, unused multipak credits, "music lockers", member mp3s, etc. If you aren't a current member but are considering coming "back to the fold", please register and subscribe or donate on the new site,

The job is big, but the website will be better than ever, a true "web 2.0" interactive site. We plan to pull the switch on or about Feb 15th, so watch your step if you visit between now and then, you could get hit by a moving mp3 file.....

Thanks again for your support- stay tuned as we improve our resource and build our community.

Chris Frank

PS Donations always accepted, none too small or large, to paypal_at_efolkmusic_dot_org or click here for donation options

PPS Any Joomla experts that want to help us make our move, please write me chris_at_efolkmusic_dot_org

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101 Evans Ct
Carrboro, North Carolina 27510
United States