November 19 ,
Hello from Ariel!
In This Week's Issue:
- Have you Logged in to Cyber PR?
- *New* Sound Advice Ezine - Book Review: The
Indie Band Survival Guide
- New Media Pioneer: Jody Whitesides of Blog
Have you Logged in to Cyber
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- gives you all show information for calendar
BUT you must first LOG IN!
If you are not sure of your username and
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Where's Ariel?
Saturday, November 29th
Songwriters Association Of Canada -
Songposium Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
Intense one-day seminar for aspiring
songwriters. Time: 8:30 AM -
5:00 PM Venue: Delta
Bessborough Hotel 601 Spadina Crescent East
Please tell your friends from Saskatoon
to join me!
Sound Advice Ezine: Tips from Ariel
Ariel Publicity's SoundAdvice is a free
bi-monthly e-zine for musicians &
entrepreneurs who want marketing, promotion and PR
tips for navigating the new music business. Feel
free to repost these articles on your site as
Book Review: The Indie Band Survival
A few weeks ago, I threw a book launch party
for my friends, Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan to
celebrate the launch of their new fabulous book,
"The Indie Band Survival Guide," published by St.
Martin's Griffin here in New York, and I was
honored to be interviewed and prominently featured
in the PR chapter. Weighing in at 329 pages, it is
jam-packed full of incredible information.
"The Indie Band Survival Guide" is a book that
all artists, independent or not, need to own.
Randy & Jason are founding members of the
Chicago based independent band Beatnik Turtle, and
this book started out as their blog where they
chronicled their personal experience releasing a
whopping 18 albums, touring, building a formidable
following, and writing music for film and TV. This
book was not motivated by money or a desire for
fame. It came from the 12 years of experience as
independent artists that they achieved directly by
releasing albums, and as they learned along the
way, they wrote it all down. As their lessons and
experiences grew, so did their blog, and because
of their blog a literary agent approached them,
and they got a publishing deal.
You can continue reading this article and full
interview on my blog here:
and I encourage all of you to please go to my blog
and leave your feedback.
Daydream on Autopilot
Genre: Rock, Pop, Alternative High-energy
shows, goosebump-inducing vocals, and songs you'll
want to sing again and again are just a few
reasons why you'll want to hear Daydream On
Ryan Calhoun Genre:
Acoustic, Pop, Rock "Of
the new project, Ryan says, "I'm not trying to
save the world. I'm just trying to make music that
matters to me and finds a place in other people's
lives. I draw from my experiences in life, my
relationships, fears, struggles, faith and
everything that surrounds me."
Featured Artist Video:
"Change (The Barack Obama Song) by
Manze Dayila & The Nago Nation Genre:
World, Reggae, Afro-Beat Haitian New Yorker, Manze
Dayila, was inspired to write "CHANGE (The Barack
Obama Song)" after being invited to perform at an
Obamarama rally in her Brooklyn, NY neighborhood.
Inspiration for this anthem stating "Barack Obama
is my president," struck one morning in the shower
and the rest is now history-in-the-making on
YouTube, Myspace & Facebook. "When I look at
Barack Obama and listen to him speak, I can see
and hear his determination for change," says
Dayila. "We are all children of the world, deserve
to live better, to receive better education and
better health care. I believe in his message that
war is not the answer. I think he can improve our
situation, and his idea of change is the change we
all need. I am a Barack Obama supporter 100%!"
Featured Blog: Music
For Humans
Music for Humans is a music blog written
by author Dan. Dan enjoys pop, rock, soul, jazz,
and hip-hop. This blog features music reviews, and
artist features.
Featured Podcast: Le Jazz
Le Jazz Affair brings together two of my
most favorite things - jazz music and technology.
The Le Jazz Affair podcast is produced twice
weekly. This podcast features PODSAFE jazz music
found on the internet. This podcast also talks
about technology in a variety of ways.
Featured Internet Radio
Station: Middletown Station
Middletown station is your address for
mainstream music. Just lay down on your sofa and
enjoy your evening off with bmac`s Middletown
New Media Pioneer: Jody
Whitesides of Blog
Essentially this is a daily blog that will be a
song that fits the mood the writer is in for the
day or what's currently happening in the world. It
will always be a band or artist the writer thinks
the audience should know about, and support by
purchasing the music or seeing them play live. Who
knows, you might dig his taste in others enough to
even support him in his creative endeavors as
Q: How long have you been blogging?
A I've been doing the Single of the Day blog
since June 27th, 2006. That puts me at a little
over the two year mark and counting. That's a post
for every day! It's not always easy.
Q: In your opinion, what does a good song
need to consist of?
A: Being that I'm a songwriter I'm probably
more critical of the music I select for the blog.
If I come across a song that somehow grabs me and
does fit my normal ideals, I'll point that out on
the blog. I'll explain what it is that grabs me in
the song.
First off an intro that has a vibe that either
piques my ear or draws me in is a major plus. That
could be a hook of any sort, be it a vocal, a
guitar, a piano, a bass, a drum, something that
clearly denotes that song as soon as I hear it.
Once the song comes in it has to have some sort of
flow. A vibe, often times a bounce or swing. So
much music these days lacks flow. How good the
people playing their instruments are comes into
consideration as well. Being in tune helps a
bunch. With that typed, production rarely makes a
bad song better. The real trick is getting me to
feel it in some way. Then come the lyrics, can I
remember them? Is the melody supporting those
words? Does the music support that melody? Does
the singer sing in tune? Do they have a voice that
is pleasing to my ear? Do I get a nice journey in
the lyrics? Tell me something that I can relate a
portion of my life to and do it in a way that is
Q: What is your favorite band or favorite
genre of music and why?
A: I used to have favorites when I was learning
to play. Once I got to a certain level of playing
ability on my main instrument I no longer had
favorites. Then my focus shifted to songwriting, a
different beast from being a technically
good/great musician. Some bands have had great
players that are/were great writers. At this
point, I really don't have favorite bands anymore.
As for genres, well... I primarily dig the all
encompassing field of Rock. However, I'm very much
into combining that with other genres. For my
listening though, I really will listen to a lot of
genres and if a song really grabs me, I'll buy it.
If the whole album is really strong, I'll buy the
album. I much prefer an album over a single. But
it has to kick ass front to back. That's hard to
do, even for me (with my own releases). I think
the real question is: What music gets one to part
with their hard earned money? Anything that can do
that is probably able to be listed as a
Q: What changes in content laws,
broadcasting rights, etc. have effected you most?
A: I'm probably about to shoot myself in the
foot with this answer. My rep at SESAC, Derek
Sivers, Brian A. Whitney, and many of my musical
peers, were all really excited to hear about the
blog when I started it a couple of years ago. I'm
actually amazed I'm still doing it. Every single
day. I tend to focus mostly on non-signed or
blog/podcast friendly artists. Which makes it easy
for them to give me permission to have their song
play when someone visits the site. I could allow
the player to play the music in the RSS feed, but
I've opted not to do that incase I get attacked
with some arcane law. In a way, I get the feeling,
I'm sorta flying under the radar. Who knows what
the future will bring. I don't make anything
substantial off the blog, maybe a few pennies here
and there based on google ads. It's not much
money, certainly not enough to justify why I do
it. I don't take money or bribes to be on the blog
either. It's strictly stuff I choose that shows I
love music, it's that simple. If I got hit with a
lawsuit, I'd first see if there's some arrangement
to avoid the lawsuit. Otherwise, I'd probably have
stop the idea of playing the music and continue by
only talking about it.
Q: A recent study found blogs to be more
effective than MySpace in generating album sales,
do you feel blogs have that power?
A: At risk of being a dick (I have a sticker
that says, "Don't Be A Dick") I will say the
following about Myspace. Myspace screwed
themselves with poor usability. At first it was an
ok way to find music and match it with fans. The
closed system did not, and still does not allow
for easy personalization of a page - not exactly
what I would define as 'my' space. It took 3rd
party developers to come up with ways to make
myspace more useful. Smart peeps used the programs
to target very specific profiles and gain fans.
There was some weird belief that if you had X
amount of friends on Myspace you'd get signed. So
bands would spend hours a day on myspace looking
for anyone to friend them.
Since I'm not a fan of promoting my music to
other bands and vis versa, I don't accept band
requests on my myspace page. Of the 19,000 or so
peeps I have there, maybe 50 are band pages in my
friends list. But they're all bands I know
personally or have written with. My reason on that
is: it's a waste of time if it's not making a
sale. Which is probably why Myspace failed to
really generate amazing sales for most bands,
attempting to sell to other bands. I'm sure a few
people got something out of myspace. I doubt
you'll see any new band come out of it now. Why?
Myspace killed off all the ability to mass
communicate. They've turned their back on the
artists that helped create the site and are now
bowing to the major labels. I understand it from a
business sense. But it's going to prevent them
from returning to the "cool" status they had two
years ago.
Blogs on the other hand are a whole different
beast. They are generally much more personal. A
way for a human to expose themselves. If that
exposure of the self is something others happen to
like, it ends up creating a community. When Single
of the Day first got off the ground, I had a lot
of people offering me suggestions to check out
music. Some were great suggestions, lots of others
not so much. The idea of an artist doing a review
of other artists seemed to be something people
really liked. My blog has morphed a bit. I've
incorporated way more of my own musings of what I
go thru as an artist into it. I remember the blog
post where I made that switch. I then attempt to
relate me to the song I pick in some way shape or
form. I actually have no idea if people truly read
it or not. My desire is readers get something from
it. That something is the song. It always
surprises me when people tell me "oh you know when
you wrote..." it shows they are paying attention.
I know artists have made sales because of Single
of the Day. That makes me feel good. I also get
emails from readers saying how much a song meant
to them so they buy it, that's great too.
I would say that if the blogger is worth
reading, people will follow. It can make a great
way to connect music. We all still need a filter
system and a blog is a very nice niche filter.
Ariel Hyatt founded Ariel Publicity & Cyber
PR 12 years ago and her firm has worked with over
1,000 musicians and bands of all genres. The Ariel
Publicity mission states that all artists deserve
to be heard and there is a place for artists of
every level to receive exposure. Ariel Hyatt has
managed to place tens of thousands of artists in
countless outlets from national magazines and TV
to the most grassroots online fanzines. Her
company is now 100% digital and helps artists
increase their online exposure. She is also the
co-founder of, a company that
creates newsletters for musicians.
Ariel Publicity's SoundAdvice is a free
bi-monthly e-zine for musicians &
entrepreneurs who want marketing, promotion and PR
tips for navigating the new music business. Sign
Up here:
Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR 389 12th
Street Brooklyn, NY 11215
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