From the CEO's desk (ha! Me, a CEO??? You must be
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child...
...and sometimes I feel like
I'm standing out in the BLAZING
SUIT waving my arms, yelling "HEY- HELP
SAVE FOLK MUSIC and I know how good the
music is and how nobody's buying music anymore , music is everywhere,
can't get away from it, what the heck are we going to do???...
Sure the
kids are buying some downloads but what about this most non-commercial art
form we call folk music, and all the outstanding independent artists out
there on the "bluegrass highway", what are we gonna do, how can we have a
reasonable life making music??? All the dance
companies and theater troupes have their sponsors and grants (I'm not
saying they've got it easy, but they have it "together" in a lot of ways),
while the folk singer remains alone, out there on the prairie, no
"organization", nothing that you would call business-like, cuz, hey, are
you a player or a suit, come on!!!!
I've been volunteer of the
year for eight years running, and I've got to tell you, it's getting
toasty in this hot dog suit. My arms are tired, I'm tired of being boss,
how 'bout you be boss for a while (in the words of Randy Newman)?
All seriousness aside,
it's time
for the discriminating music lover to step up. The picture is not
pretty- I see No Depression magazine stop publishing, and
Bluegrass Now, I see the next-to-the-last indie record store
close here in Chapel Hill-it's tough out here on the fringes of a
dysfunctional music business (not that we were a part of it when it was
functional), gas is $4 a gallon and my VW microbus blew up on the beltway
around Nashville in 1979. LUCKILY we're
probably in a reccession, or may even a DEPRESSION, so that's good for
liquor sales and live music, isn't it? (Why didn't I buy Halibuton in
2001???) It's not much help when music sales are tanking like .
GET TO THE PITCH: We tried raising the price for
membership, that didn't work, so how about a "recession special", just
plop down $4.95, you'll be able to download up to ONE HUNDRED TRACKS a
month from our nearly-2000
track member download library, get our groovy RSS feed "Song of the
Week" (yours to KEEP, even if you bail after a month!!!!), 10% off all
purchases, cancel at any time. Pah-leeze, one more
time, check
us out, help
us out, or tell us to get the hell out (unsubscribe, link
Chris Frank
PS re the "Hail Mary"
reference, I cite Wikipedia,
"A Hail Mary pass or Hail Mary play in
football is a forward pass made in desperation, with only
a small chance of success. The typical Hail Mary is a very long forward
pass thrown near the end of a half or end of a game where there is no
possibility for any play to work. This play is unlikely to be successful,
because of the general inaccuracy of the pass and the defensive team's
preparedness for the play makes it likely that it can intercept or knock
down the ball — the pass is thrown and a
prayer is said, hoping a receiver catches it.
NEWSFLASH- (April 2, 2008, from Carrboro, NC, USA 10 22 PM ET)
27,000 folk music fans
get this newsletter- can a few of y'uns forward it to yur
pals? We'll get that viral thing happening, folk music will be the next
big thing, get jiggy with us, come on, it's like MySpace, but for fans of
the real thing, no empty cowboy hats here!.
ANOTHER NEWSFLASH- (April 2, 2008, from Carrboro, NC, USA 10:29 PM ET
) efolkMusic is as
GREEN as it gets, all MP3s are 100% CARBON FREE,
zero-emission, and we've got a yard full of trees just in case!
100 Tracks of Exceptional Folk Music
for $4.95!!! |
Join our 501(c)(3)
nonprofit now and access to our "member download"
library of over 1800 full length, stereo MP3s! Check
out this list of tracks...
WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL- More benefits for annual
supporters: We send you our NEW eco-friendly efM
 PLUS all members
get our "Song of the Week" RSS
feed (that's 50 more songs delivered to your
desktop!!!),10% discount on all purchases, and more....
THIRD TIMES A CHARM NEWSFLASH- (April 2, 2008, from Carrboro, NC, USA 10 58 PM
ET) I was going to apologize for the whining, but I'm
listening to a public station on the radio right now, and they are asking
for money, we gotta do it, and do it, and do it some more- or we