The board and staff would like to thank
all who have made the work of TAPS possible: clients, partners, funders,
audiences and workshop participants … and the scores of musicians, dancers and
other artists who have contributed their time and skills to make it possible for
us to push the barriers, take the risks and ask the difficult questions in our
quest to make taking part in traditional music and dance in England something
which is accessible, creative and intercultural.
That quest is not over…
Boka Halat, under the partnership of Musa Mboob and Roger
Watson, will continue to be available for festivals, concerts, ceilidhs rural
touring and a full education programme: - roger_at_bokahalat_dot_co_dot_uk
Singing and songwriting, music and
composition, dance and choreography projects, based on a creative view of
English traditions, will continue to be led by Roger Watson: - roger_at_rogerwatson_dot_co_dot_uk
Drum Runners Trading, a partnership of Paul Midgley and Jason Knight,
will continue to lead work in Immigration Removal Centres, community music
projects and the newly launched, inter-genre Collision Course project: - info_at_drumrunners_dot_org.
We hope to see you in the future.