From: efolkMusic CEO Chris Frank
Sent: 21 November 2007 19:15
Subject: efolkMusic-Amazon Affiliation
Hi, Friends-
I told you efolkMusic is evolving- well, evolution
requires some things to go away so that others can take their place, the
survival of the fittest, you know. But we're NOT
becoming EXTINCT! We're growing and adapting, and here's the
We're a nonprofit supporting folk music with a
"store" to help support the organization, like a museum store, with "select"
items, often unique or special. We primarily promote "member" artists,
but also offer the best releases from the "majors". Problem is we
can't compete with Amazon (duh!) on items that we both carry, like say Bob Dylan
CDs- and we can't offer Bob's MP3s directly. Bummer!
The solution: 1) Continue to work directly with our
independent member artists. 2) Provide MP3 and CD sales support directly for
member artists. 3) Send fans through to our "Amazon
Affiliate Store" for "commercial" products- CDs and mp3s. They've got
a little bit bigger selection than we can offer (OK, they've got everything in
the world), and shopping there going THROUGH efolkMusic or
the affiliate store gives us a commission on every sale. The proceeds will
support our mission and allow us to better serve our independent
Try it out- MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
"" claiming to be, look at
the selection available for your Pete
Seeger, Dylan,
(really), and a lot more-we're hooked into a million and a half mp3s, and a
gazillion albums, books, blenders, etc.,etc.
SO even though I'm against rampant consumerism,
sometimes you have to shop. Save some time and gas, shop
with us for unique, exceptional independent music, and through
us for your more "common" musical (and nonmusical!) needs. You'll be helping us "pick it up and carry it
Chris Frank
PS BTW, Amazon has a huge "Black Friday" promotion,
they suggest we provide you with this nice link
to the deals
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