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Crack The Whip Promotions has been promoting bands outside dozens of CMJ shows over the past 5 years. We distribute Crack The Whip Promotions bags featuring signed and unsigned bands materials to industry, radio, media and music fans. The CMJ Marathon is taking place from October 31 - November 4, 2006. The shows are scattered around top New York City venues, including, Roseland Ballroom, Irving Plaza, Nokia Theater and dozens more! We are interested in helping you get top notch New York City Promotion. Last year we had over 100 bands participate in the event. We will be distributing 700 red, printed, Crack The Whip Promotions Bags at these events. Some of the shows we'll be distributing at are: Alice In Chains, Ben Lee, Saves The Day, hellogoodbye, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Feist, TV On The Radio, Suzanne Vega, Blonde Redhead, The Shins, The Black Keys, Madlib, The Slits, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and many, many more to be announced! There will be a complete list compiled of exact show dates, locations and times once they are available. You provide materials unless specified. *700 CD's included the bags are $140.00 *700 Stickers included in the bags are $90.00 *700 Flyers included in the bags are $65.00 *700 Buttons (purchased from us) included FREE! *700 Buttons (not purchased from us) included in the bags are $50.00 *700 1/4 Page Black and White Flyers printed by us $100.00 *Other promotional items (T-shirts, Pens, Caps, Magazines, Keychains, etc.) Determined on a case by case basis. Please email us to ask about pricing for other quantities or to purchase stickers, buttons or T-shirts! BONUS! If you get your materials to us before Saturday, October 14, 2006, we'll give you a link on the main page of our website! 30 days free! We generate over 1,000 hits per week! The deadline for receiving materials is Saturday, October 28, 2006. All submissions must be confirmed via email or phone. No exceptions. There is no further obligation. These bags have aided many bands into receiving MTV licensing deals, national booking agents and radio and Internet airplay. They have also grown their mailing lists, street teams and boosted sales! Low cost bag sponsorship opportunities available for bands and companies! Contact us at: PromoBags_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com for more information! ______________________________________________ Crack The Whip now offers individual show events to have your band/company promoted at! Rates vary depending on materials, location and quantity. Please contact us at Info_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com asap if you're interested in having your info distributed at any of these New York City shows or if you'd like a complete listing all over the US. 9/14/06 Keane Hammerstein Ballroom 9/14/06 Widespread Panic Radio City Music Hall 9/14/06 Jimmy Buffett Madison Square Garden 9/15/06 Citizen Cope Hammerstein Ballroom 9/18/06 The Cardigans Irving Plaza 9/18/06 Goldfrapp Roseland Ballroom 9/18/06 The Who Madison Square Garden 9/19/06 The Who Madison Square Garden 9/24/06 The Flaming Lips Hammerstein Ballroom 9/25/06 The Flaming Lips Hammerstein Ballroom 9/28/06 Los Lobos Irving Plaza 9/29/06 Jamie Cullum with Josh RItter Roseland Ballroom 10/3/06 Massive Attack Roseland Ballroom 10/4/06 Massive Attack Roseland Ballroom 10/5/06 Massive Attack Roseland Ballroom 10/8/06 Hawthorne Heights / Nintendo Fusion Roseland Ballroom 10/9/06 Social Distortion Irving Plaza 10/9/06 Evanescence Hammerstein Ballroom 10/10/06 James Blunt Radio City Music Hall 10/12/06 Nick Lachey Nokia Theatre at Times Square 10/14/06 Pet Shop Boys Radio City Music Hall 10/15/06 Joan Jett Irving Plaza 10/16/06 Vince Gill Nokia Theatre at Times Square 10/17/06 Joan Jett Irving Plaza 10/18/06 Gregg Allman Nokia Theatre at Times Square 10/19/06 HIM / Papa Roach / Lost Prophets Hammerstein Ballroom 10/24/06 The Killers Theater At Madison Square Garden 10/25/06 The Fray Hammerstein Ballroom 10/26/06 The Fray Hammerstein Ballroom 10/28/06 All American Rejects Hammerstein Ballroom 11/1/06 Alice In Chains Nokia Theatre at Times Square 11/3/06 The Black Keys Nokia Theatre at Times Square 11/8/06 Fear Factory B. B King's Blues Club & Grill 11/21/06 Thursday / Rise Against Roseland Ballroom ______________________________________________ Are you looking for some new promotional ideas for your band? Contact us at Info_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com and request a press kit! ______________________________________________ Need Stickers, T-Shirts, Buttons, Posters and more for your band? Contact us at Merch_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com with your logo or colors and sizes! ______________________________________________ Join our street team, get free stuff and meet hot new bands! Send an email to: StreetTeam_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com with Your Full Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Phone # (Optional): Email Address: Age: IM/AOL Screen Name: Know Any Bands That Would Be Interested In CTWP? ______________________________________________ Crack The Whip Promotions is up on MySpace! Go to MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.listrocket.com" claiming to be www.MySpace.com/CrackTheWhipPromotions and sign up for some awesome networking opportunities! | |
2984 Avenue Z Brooklyn, NY 11235 (718) 368-1425 Info_at_CrackTheWhipPromotions_dot_com MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.listrocket.com" claiming to be www.CrackTheWhipPromotions.com |
Crack The Whip Bands : www.listrocket.com/list/CrackTheWhipBands
: www.CrackTheWhipPromotions.com
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Mandy Desmond | 2984 Avenue Z | Brooklyn, NY
| 11235 | US
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