Workshops - Littlebourne Thatched Barn

Saskia Tomkins and Stéafan Hannigan


Saskia Tomkins is a Kentish lass, and is still remembered locally for her Cajun playing. Now known internationally for her Eastern European and Gypsy Jazz playing and workshops, she has just won 1st place in the UK All Britain Celtic Fleadh championship, for Fiddle (Slow Air).


Stéafan Hannigan is known internationally for his Uilleann Pipes, Flute, Whistle and Bodhran playing and workshops, and regularly wins 1st places at the All Britain Celtic Fleadh.


Sunday 1st. April 2007.

11am onwards - FIDDLE WORKSHOP

    Saskia Tomkins

          Places £15

Final details including timings will be decided later, based on who books for the workshops.

Workshops will probably cover one or more styles within the Celtic, Cajun, E. European and Gypsy Jazz genres.


11am onwards - Uilleann Pipes, Flute, Whistle and Bodhran WORKSHOPS

     Stéafan Hannigan

Places £15

Final details including timings will be decided later, based on who books for the workshops – there is probably not time for full workshops on all, so will be decided on who books what first.


Littlebourne Thatched Barn, (intersection of  Jubilee Rd. and Church Rd.)
Littlebourne, near Canterbury, Kent. CT3 1TU



Monday 2nd April.

7:30 pm for 8pm FIDDLE CONCERT

Admission £6

Saskia Tomkins and Stéafan Hannigan will be giving a concert in Littlebourne, near Canterbury, featuring Celtic, Cajun, Eastern European and Gypsy Jazz music.

War Memorial Hall, 58 High Street, Littlebourne, Nr. Canterbury, Kent. CT3 1ST


N.B. Booking is recommended for all events as numbers are limited.


There are links to Maps, and restaurant and accommodation lists ,

on the web at , or they will be sent on request.


Beau Webber, KentFolk, G17 Canterbury Enterprise Hub, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 7NJ.

Tel. 01227 721 736  Mob. 07875 170 593





Booking Form


Saskia Tomkins  - FIDDLE WORKSHOP

I would /would not like to attend the fiddle workshop on 1st. April 2007.  I enclose a cheque for £15.00 :         [   ]


Stéafan Hannigan – CELTIC WORKSHOPS


I would /would not like to attend the Pipes workshop on 1st. April 2007.          I enclose a cheque for £15.00 : [   ]

I would /would not like to attend the Flute workshop on 1st. April 2007.           I enclose a cheque for £15.00 : [   ]

I would /would not like to attend the Whistle workshop on 1st. April 2007.  I enclose a cheque for £15.00 :      [   ]

I would /would not like to attend the Bodhran workshop on 1st. April 2007.  I enclose a cheque for £15.00 :     [   ]


Saskia Tomkins  & Stéafan Hannigan  CONCERT  : 7.30pm for 8pm Monday 2nd April


No. of  evening tickets :              (£6 each),















E-mail address:


Please send SAE for posting of your tickets.


I would/would not like a place booked for the workshop pub lunch (cost not included).

Tick for map :    [   ]             Tick for accommodation list :   [   ]


Please make cheques payable to Beau Webber or KentFolk, and send with this booking form to:

Beau Webber, KentFolk, G17 Canterbury Enterprise Hub, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 7NJ.


Tel. 01227 721 736;  Mob. 07875 170 593



Website: , where online tickets may also be purchased.